R&R-runtime and Symantec Antivirus

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R&R-runtime and Symantec Antivirus

Post by DaSe » Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:19 am

One of our customers can not run the RRWRUN.EXE-runtime anymore since he installed Symantec Antivirus 10.1 on his system. The system hangs. Before, with Symantec Antivirus v8.6, they had no problems.____The R&R-runtime (v10.0.12) is started from a xBase++ -application.____I suggested to exclude the RRWRUN.EXE, but this does not solve the problem.____Has someone encountered similar problems ? ________

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=> RE: R&R-runtime and Symantec AV

Post by MikeN_(Guest) » Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:14 pm

Did you end up finding a solution to this? I^m sitting here staring at my shiny new Symantec AV 10.1 disc and now I^m scared to put it in... ____Thanks__MikeN

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=> R&R-runtime and Symantec Antivirus

Post by kfleming » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:53 am

Try adding the line;__PDFDRIVER=0____to the DEFAULTS section of c:windowsRRW.INI and see if it helps.____

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==> RE: R&R-runtime and NAV

Post by yuq95i » Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:31 am

To get RRWRUN.EXE to run without freezing the PC, turn off "Tamper Protection" in the Symantec NAV settings. NAV 10.1 revamped the way tamper protection works and this screws up RRWRUN.EXE. HTH,____MJ

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===> RE: R&R-runtime and NAV

Post by Nick » Fri Nov 17, 2006 6:22 pm

This sounds like it could be a major hassle and un-necessarily so.____The fact that Norton makes a global assumption that if one executable launches another executable it is spyware is incredible. Nothing like taking a shortcut ! Dont their customers deserve more.____Since the rrwrun.exe approach is used by many of us, perhaps the Liveware folks could contact the Symantec folks and see if their application is smart enough to have a list of executables, such as rrwrun.exe that are safe and that dont "attack their processes".____If I ever needed reassurance that my decision to disinherit Symantec and move to AVG was a good one, this is certainly a step in that direction.

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