I am a new user, please help

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I am a new user, please help

Post by nain99 » Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:24 pm

This is my first time using R&R, please help me to start the programe.__I have few questions here__1. Are all the tables in R&R from M.O.M? Who is updating it? Are all the tables data are current?__2. Can different field have it^s own query? How can I do it?__3. How can I get all information about table? I want to know which table has informaiton that I need, and find it quickly. __4. How can I have more than one table field? How can I select different table for the report?__I want to create a report that contain following information:__"Customer #"; "Company Name"; "Last Name"; "Type code 1"; "Type code 2"; "Type code 3"; "the total amount spend from 01/01/2005 to 12/31/2005";"the total amount spend from 01/01/2006 to 05/31/2006" __I do not even know which table do I need:-(__Could you please help me with it?__Thank you very, very much!

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=> RE: I am a new user, please help

Post by kfleming » Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:40 am

R&R simply reads the current information from your existing tables.__If you set the Default Data folder in Options File Settings to your MOM folder, that is where R&R will look for data files.____I know a bit about the MOM data structures having helped MOM users over the years but you would need to ask the folks at MOM to provide you with a detailed listing of what data is stored in what tables.____For you report I would suggest that you use CUST.DBF as your master file since most of the information you want on the report is customer information. CUST.DBF contains one record for each customer. To see all of the orders that have been placed for each customer, you would build a relation from the CUST.DBF to the CMS.DBF which is the order header file that contains one record for each order. You would use the CUSTNUM field from CUST as the linking field, Scan as the relation type (since one customer may have many orders) CMS.CDX as the related index and the tag of CUSTNUM.____Group the report by CUSTNUM and place the fields from CUST on a CUSTNUM group header. The fields from the CMS table would go on a record band.____When you add a query, it is based on the records in the composite database which is the recordset that R&R builds as it joins the tables you have selected for the report. Since you want orders in a specific date range, you would query on a date field in the CMS file.____For a total for each customer, you would need to create a total that is a SUM and resets by CUSTNUM and place it a CUSTNUM group footer. ____My suggestion to new users is to start with just one small piece of the report by selecting your master, adding a few fields to the layout and then previewing the result. As you do this, you should be able to learn a bit from the displayed data.____We also offer paid design assistance via telephone should you wish or need more detailed assistance.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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==> RE: I am a new user, please help

Post by nain99 » Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:59 am

Thank you so much:-)! You have helped me a lot!__Could you please tell me how can I contact you by phone? Could you give me a quote? I need to ask my boss about it.__Thanks again!

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===> RE: I am a new user, please help

Post by kfleming » Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:16 am

The support number is 800-836-6202x208

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==> RE: I am a new user, please help

Post by MikeN_(Guest) » Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:10 pm

I must say (publicly) Kathleen, that response was WAY above and beyond the call of duty. Any other support rep would have basically said "RTFM", but you actually went in to specifics... wow!____You are an awesome asset to the company. You^ve helped me out of a jam countless times. Even when we were still running the very old 8.1 version, you still helped me out instead of saying, "you need to upgrade". We decided to upgrade anyway, largely due to you.____Please point this message out to your supervisor, and let him know you are generating sales right here in the discussion forum. :)____MikeN

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===> RE: I am a new user, please help

Post by kfleming » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:54 am

Thanks for the kind words. They are much appreciated!____

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=> RE: I am a new user, please help

Post by cialis vs viagra » Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:24 pm

Report writer is easy to use tool. MOM has help section on menu. go to help and find data dictionary in help that will give you exact idea of column names to use for your requirement. Looking to your requirement you have to use CUST.DBF table.____Initially When you start R&R just go for instant report. In which selct cust.dbf and you will see all columns on the screen. You can delete which you don^t want. that way you will get your 1st report done and then you can learn more. ____YOu can contact me @ 630-322-9209 ext 244 I am at work 11.00 to 3.00 and again in the evening from 6.30 to 2 midnight CST. You can call me if you have question. ____BK__ASHRO Life Style

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