Report Librarian -FldLocate.RRW

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Report Librarian -FldLocate.RRW

Post by BruceB » Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:47 pm

In Report Librarian Ver 2.0>Catalog Reports>Field Locator is not working :(. I have tried to start FldLocate.RRW from Xbase Ver 10.1.003 and receive the following errors. ____Charactor field ^REPNAME^ is no longer in database ^Reports^__Charactor field ^RPTID^ is no longer in database ^Reports^__Charactor field ^RLID^ is no longer in database ^Reports^__Charactor field ^OWNER^ is no longer in database ^Reports^__Charactor field ^BRFDESC^ is no longer in database ^Reports^__Charactor field ^LASTMOD^ is no longer in database ^Reports^__Charactor field ^MTABLE^ is no longer in database ^Reports^__Charactor field ^MTALIAS^ is no longer in database ^Reports^__Charactor field ^REPNAME^ is no longer in database ^Reports^__Cannot open database table (table may be in use) owners.dbf__etc. etc.____The other reports in Report Librarian work fine. :-)____Thanks.____

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=> RE: Report Librarian -FldLocate.RRW

Post by kfleming » Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:36 am

I will take a look at the report to figure out what is going wrong.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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==> RE: Report Librarian -FldLocate.RRW

Post by kfleming » Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:02 am

With the Report Librarian we ship a set of reports against the librarian/dictionary files.____The catalog list in the Librarian only shows those reports that have been saved in the Report Designer. So what may have happened is that someone had modified a copy of the original report.____I just tried the original report and it works fine. If you need a copy of it, send me an email and I will send it along to you.____Regards,__Kathleen__R&R

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===> RE: Report Librarian -FldLocate.RRW

Post by BruceB » Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:32 pm

Kathleen, I just figured out why the report fldlocate.rrw in Report Librarian doesn^t work. I have designated an area on drive d as my default data and report directories. If I change the default directories to C:program files rinfinity l then the report fldlocate.rrw runs ok. All the other reports in Report Librarian aren^t affected by the default file locations setup in RR. ____Any ideas?____Bruce____

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====> RE: Report Librarian -FldLocate.RRW

Post by kfleming » Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:08 am

When this report was originally created, it was saved to a different folder than the underlying data files. Because of this R&R hard coded the path to the data files as c:program files sw90RL.____So if you open this report with a default data folder set, when R&R cannot find the data tables in the saved folder location it uses the default.____If the data folder is blank, it uses the current folder.____I will send a corrected if report file to you if you can send an email request to livesupport@livewarepub.com____Kathleen__R&R Support

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