Saving issues in Infinity

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Saving issues in Infinity

Post by Andrew_Fowke_(Guest) » Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:57 am

Hi I ran reportworks infinity for a while but have currently gone back to version 11.____The main bug I have found seems to be with how infinity identifies whether a report has changed.____When I produced a report and was putting the finishing touches to it IE: Open an existing report and change a line of text or a field from normal to bold then save it close it and run it again it doesn^t seem to see the change and does not update the formatting change.____In addition the version seems to stop saving changes all together sometimes, I have spent over 30 mins altering a report in all sorts of ways IE: adjusting fields displayed, grouing and sort orders adding calculated fields Etc...____I saved the report regularly and then either pressed print preview and it crashed (Which it seems to do rather regularly in all versions going all the way back to V9) or I saved it and closed it only to find that it had not saved half the changes when i ran the report from our software.____Does anybody have any ideas?

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=> RE: Saving issues in Infinity

Post by kfleming » Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:08 am

Do you have AutoSave enabled? If so, try disabling it in Options Preferences and see if that clears things up.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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