creating a withhold report

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creating a withhold report

Post by wdean52 » Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:16 am

We are using Cougar Mountain stand alone payroll.__We pay 700+ employees, therefore we break down our payroll into batches.__I^m needing to create one report with all the data my general ledger person needs: Gross, taxes, other withholding (this is our problem child), net, ch#, pay date, emply name, etc.____After the batches are posted the other withholding data is found in a file ^PRLINUM^. As a matter of fact the whole years transaction are in this file. Therefore we have to define file #, pay date & deduction code to get accurate data to the report.____In the ^PRLINUM^ file we have:__PRLINUM-C; column for employee file # __PRLIDATE-D; column for pay date__PRLIBENDED-C; column for deduction codes__PRLIPREG-N; column for deduction amounts ($)____We are trying to do this with a calculation and have not be successful.____Our Company Code; TIL____Our Master Table; TILPROPN____One of our deductions "code"; RE____Our Relations; appro(TILPROPN--}PROPNUN,TILPRMSD:full,blank)__scan(TILPROPN--}PROPNUM,TILPRLIN:PRLINUM,full,blank)____In the above relation string there is a bold bar in front of both of the words blank that I could not dublicate with my key board.______We are using ^IIF^ function for our calculation expression.__IIF(condition, true value, false value)____Our Calculation; IIF((PRLINUM=PROPNUM AND PRLIDATE=PROPDATE AND PRLIBENDED="RE"),PRLIPREG,0)____We have tested this calculation with and without the second set of () and both verfiy as a good expression, but produce the same result "0.00".______We are getting all 0.00 in our RE data column.____All of our other data being brought into this report is good.____

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=> RE: creating a withhold report

Post by kfleming » Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:20 am

The relation to TILPRMSD should be an exact match rather than approximate.__The relation to TILPRLIN should be an a partial match of 20 characters since the linking field PROPNUM will only match the first 20 character of the PRLINUM index tag whose expression is:__UPPER(PRLINUM) + DTOS(PRLIDATE) + UPPER(PRLICHECK) + STR(PRLIUNIQ) + UPPER(PRLITYPE) + STR(PRLIDETAIL) + UPPER(PRLIBENDED)____See if these changes help.____Kathleen__R&R Support____

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