No Records Found Printing

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No Records Found Printing

Post by Clancy_(Guest) » Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:20 pm

I have a report that needs to print at the very least the title of the report and the date range entered by the user, even if there are no records found. I took a look in the R&R help file and fount the following;____By default, the Viewer will print Title and Summary lines even when no records are found. To cause the Viewer to print nothing (no Title or Summary lines) when no records are found, execute the Viewer with the /H switch.____With this info I created a few Title lines and moved data I needed to always show up into those lines. However, when I run the report for a date range I know there is no data, nothing prints still. We still just get the friendly ^No Records Found^ window.____Anyone know a way around this?______

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=> RE: No Records Found Printing

Post by FCX_(Guest) » Thu Jan 11, 2007 5:04 am

It should work if the title and summary don^t include datas from record.__Only calculated fields (not calculated upon record fields), parameters or text fields.____That^s the way we^re using it.

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