Kathleen, I know this will not be posted

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Kathleen, I know this will not be posted

Post by jefffried » Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:38 am

Kathleen,____I don^t know why you have chosen to ignore me and the couple questions I^ve asked. All I^m trying to do is make R&R work for me and my clients. Yet you treat me like I^ve done something to you.____Really, this is not the case. So why are you not responding to a couple of my simple questions (Table of Contents, reverting back to version 12.0), which can be privately delivered rather than posted to the forum? You can email me at jeff@automatedmarketing.com if you wish.____Thank you.____Jeff Fried__

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=> RE: Kathleen, I know this will not be posted

Post by cstrasser » Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:53 am

Hi Jeff,__I^m sorry for the delay. The forum gets a ton of spam and we have all submissions queued before releasing. We^ve had a lot going on recently and haven^t been able to concentrate on the forum. Kathleen only works part-time and doesn^t get on the forum that much.____Creating a table of contents is a tricky proposition. We^ve tried it ourselves and with several customers to varying degrees of success (mostly not).____The problem is that because of font sizes and the varying number of records that can appear in a given section, it^s nearly impossible to predict where a section will begin and end.____In some situations we^ve been able to use pre-processed totals for a section and some knowledge about spacing to accurately predict where a section would begin.____In other situations, we^ve been able to create an exported version of the report that could be used by another report to figure out where the sections began and ended.____I have heard of others who have generated the ActiveX file (PDI) from their reports and written a custom program to parse out the page breaks / sections from that.____Let me know how it works out for you.____
Chris Strasser
Liveware Publishing, Inc.
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=> RE: Kathleen, I know this will not be posted

Post by Waynetalay » Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:43 am

I did not know this would be a public message as I did not intend to do anything but get attention to my question.____Thank you for the reply. I thought it might be tricky, and I see that I will not be able to generate a Table of Contents as part of the production of the report, i.e., at run time.____In Microsoft Word, there is an ability to create a Table of Contents based on the font used for section heads. I don^t have much experience with it but will probably need to use it to re-process the report that needs a Table of Contents. This might be an approach for R&R in the future, if it is deemed important to develop. That is, the ability to tell R&R that a specific font should be used to determine an entry in the TofC with page number, of course pre-processed.____Thank you.____Jeff Fried

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