Try to create a 3 dimensional report

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Try to create a 3 dimensional report

Post by Veronica_(Guest) » Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:57 am

I am currently working with RR xbase. I am working with one database, from this database I want to pull a detail report of all checks associated with a specific item #.____Example:__I have item# 910000 and it is linked to check# XXXX. I want to know all the detail that is related to check# XXXX.____I have tried linking the table together and the using the query to enter the item# but the data result is only 910000 information and not the rest of the check #.____I have tried linking by item#, and then by check# but nothing seems to be working. I have tried entering a calculated field and that is not working either.____If you know where I can find more defined instructions other then the manual I will research but I am having a difficult time trying to find the information.____Thank you,__Veronica

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=> RE: Try to create a 3 dimensional report

Post by cstrasser » Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:02 am

Your report sounds like it should not be too difficult to create. From your description, there is a trail that can be followed from the item to the check to the detail. It^s a matter of identifying the corresponding data elements in each part of the link and setting that up.____Because every circumstance is different, the manuals only describe the mechanics of linking. They cannot get into the context very well.____We could probably help you with a remote session. It would probably take no more than 20 minutes and our rate is $1.85 / minute. Call us at (800) 936-6202 x208
Chris Strasser
Liveware Publishing, Inc.
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