Quotes in an export

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Quotes in an export

Post by quickvfr » Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:22 pm

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-09 AT 12:31 PM (EST)]I have a report that has a number of character fields followed by a numberic field and then another character field. When I export the data the first character fields have quotes and the numberic field has no quotes, which is desired. The last character field has no quotes. I have surrounded the field with CHR(34) which results in ""FIELD"". Any ideas how to get the last character field quoted while leaving the numeric field unquoted? I would use the quote option on the export but this quotes the numeric fields as well. Thank you!____Example data:____CharField1, CharField2, CharField3, CharField4, NumField, CharField5____Result of export:____"CharField1","CharField2","CharField3","CharField4",NumField,CharField5____Desired export:__"CharField1","CharField2","CharField3","CharField4",NumField,"CharField5"

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=> RE: Quotes in an export

Post by kfleming » Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:58 am

Quotes are generally added only when a character field begins with a numeric or contains a special character. Is that the case with your data?____Kathleen__R&R Support

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==> RE: Quotes in an export

Post by quickvfr » Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:10 am

This is one line of data I have exported:____"010","001","001","0004868501798","000",1,230B010A____I thought the same thing so I put an "x" in front of the last field and it still won^t quote the field. If I add quotes to the field it comes out as: ""230B010A"" so I assume it is being understood as being a string. I have also moved it around but this has no affect. The only numberic field is the second to the last one. What I don^t understand is that all of the other fields appear numberic. The third field is the only other field that potentially uses alpha characters.____Thank you!

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