Data Dictionary Editor Error

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Data Dictionary Editor Error

Post by Will_(Guest) » Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:22 am

We are using R&R Writer XBase Edition version 12, Build 12.5.001 with SMS Host.____At startup, whether selecting an existing report or building a new report, I receive:__Data Dictionary Editor Error__Error Number: 1__Error Message: File ^c:docume~1will~1.dbf^ does not exist__Error hasn^t been handled yet____Then an "Open" window pops-up in the RL folder asking for a .dbf file.____Regardless of whether I select any one of the files listed or click "Cancel", I receive up to 150 additional error messages stacked up on top of the first one.____After closing all the error windows, sometimes then R&R will start, or sometimes crash. When it starts, I receive additional error messages when I try to save my work.____What is the file it^s looking for? and how do I find/create it?____Thanks,____-will

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=> RE: Data Dictionary Editor Error

Post by cstrasser » Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:29 am

It^s probably an issue with rights in the RL folder. R&R tries to read / write the various tables there to capture information for the librarian and the data dictionary. If you don^t use them, you can turn them off in the RRW.INI and RSW.INI files (in C:Windows):____[defaults]__LIBRARIAN=OFF __DICTIONARY=0__
Chris Strasser
Liveware Publishing, Inc.
Work bigger.

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