Windows XP problems

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=====> RE: Windows XP problems

Post by Bev_Francis » Sat Jun 15, 2002 4:58 am

Kathleen,____Can you focus on this problem of printer drivers. It is at the root of this problem, and ours and, possibly, the Citrix problems that are on-going. I^m sure you could resolve a lot of users^ problems with this one fix. We see it when all the printers on a PC are hanging off remote nodes on a network. Dan saw it when he disconnected from the network. ____Adding a dummy local printer lets RRWRUN run.____RRWRUN expects something that is not there, and does not fail gracefully. If you could find the cause and then describe the circumstances under which it will happen, that will help us all a lot until you can get a fix out. Remember that RRW, itself, seems to be ok.____Dan - your last error - have you looked it up on MSDN? to see what MS say can trigger this problem. (I don^t have the URL to hand, and forgive me to telling you something you may already know, but pursue the KnowledgeBase links on the Microsoft site).____Bev Francis

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Joined: Tue Oct 10, 2017 12:44 pm

======> RE: Windows XP problems

Post by Jeff_Fried_(Guest) » Thu Jul 04, 2002 11:41 am

Thanks for summarizing the core issue. Often defining the problem is the important pre-requisite to a solution. You have done this well. Now that Liveware should have no question where the problem lies, hopefully they will come to our rescue quickly. I^m still annoyed with the pat answer I received when I called in to ask if there were any XP-related problems. The absoluteness of the reply that there were no problems only caused me to investigate other possibilities -- total wasted time now that I know the truth. "What is a fact but the point at which we allow investigation to cease." Liveware accepts their facts too soon. This made me look bad with a client, almost to the point where I would have switched them to Crystal. All Liveware had to say is they don^t know if there is full XP compatibility, not that there IS full XP compatibility.

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