RRWRUN Crashing in Win2000

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RRWRUN Crashing in Win2000

Post by David_Ripley_(Guest) » Wed Jun 26, 2002 11:59 am

We seem to be having the same problem as several other users.__"RRWRUN.EXE has generated errors and will be closed by Windows."__On one Win200 machine it will sometimes but rarely run the report,__on others it will run about 50% of the time. We are on Netware 5.0__and using HP 4000PS printer driver. I have reinstalled the driver on the worst offending machine with no luck. __We are using the latest version of R&R and the latest patches.__The report will run if run from the Designer, just not calling RRWRUN from a program which we critically need.__The two suggestions I^ve seen in this forum did not help. i.e. librarian=off and the cdintf file. This is becoming a major problem and really need a solution quickly. __Thanks__

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=> RE: RRWRUN Crashing in Win2000

Post by kfleming » Thu Jun 27, 2002 8:27 am

Did the updated RRWRUN.EXE that I sent out to you yesterday help at all?____Kathleen__R&R Support

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==> RE: RRWRUN Crashing in Win2000

Post by David_R_(Guest) » Mon Jul 01, 2002 3:30 pm

Kathleen__Since I received the new rrwrun file, there has not been a crash,__at least I haven^t been notified of one. Just Waiting for a crash__before I copy the new version over to see if it appears to fix it.__Thanks __

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==> RE: RRWRUN Crashing in Win2000

Post by cal » Wed Jul 03, 2002 6:08 am

Kathleen,____I^m having the same problem. The report runs fine in the designer, but fails with the same error under runtime. Is there a later rrwrun.exe I should try?____Also, where do I find the error log that the message says has been created? RROUT.DBF contains a blank record. It is created... just contains no information.____cal

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=> RE: RRWRUN Crashing in Win2000

Post by cal » Wed Jul 03, 2002 2:43 pm

I have the same error in my application. If you have a new version of RRWRUN.EXE I need it to verify if the problem is solved. I have some reports on Win2000 that show always the error and i can test them.____My email address is michele.bosetti@tecnosoftsrl.com____Thanks____

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==> RE: RRWRUN Crashing in Win2000

Post by SimonBray » Mon Jul 08, 2002 10:45 am

I am in the process of chasing down these errors, as are several others who frequent this group. I have found one thing which causes the error box.____I have used the convert utility to bring DOS v6 reports to .rp5 and then to individual .rrw^s. After this, some of them do not run under rrwrun.exe from rr9.0. I find that the runtime input file field, RI_MINDEX, which contains the report index file information,( <index file>, <index type>, <tag> ) MUST have the file extension in the filename. RR6.0 runtime did not care.____RI_MINDEX := "RptCdx,,"ProdNam") will NOT work. ____Instead use:__RI_MINDEX := "RptCdx.cdx,,"ProdNam")____I suspect there are a number of other things which cause the same error box, but this one does it EVERY time.____cal

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===> RE: RRWRUN Crashing in Win2000

Post by kfleming » Mon Jul 08, 2002 12:14 pm

What version of RRWRUN is everyone talking about here ? We have anumber of RRW 6.0 XBase reports which we are in the process of converting to RRW 9 SQL and we get a number of crashes when running RRWRUN.EXE in V6.0 on Win 2000 PC^s.____Simon.

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==> RE: RRWRUN Crashing in Win2000

Post by Michele » Tue Jul 09, 2002 10:09 am

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-02 AT 12:14 PM (EST)]Version 6 Xbase is a really old 16 bit version of R&R so it does not surprise me if you do encounter difficulties with it in Win2000.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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