Fixed It!

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Fixed It!

Post by Scott » Mon May 14, 2001 12:59 pm

Well, I fixed my problem!! See the earlier thread for details. I doubt this is gonna be usefull for too many people, but I like to pass on info anyway.____In breif: R&R is bundled with an accounting program called Solomon. Suddenly a few weeks ago one of our workstations couldnt print custom reports anymore. The error was in RSWRUN.EXE, the R&R runtime file. I fixed it by wiping the drive and reinstalling everything, but when the second system had the same problem, reinstalling didnt fix it! Nothing I did seemed to have any effect!!____See the other thread for loads of detials if this sounds familier.____Long story short... uninstalled Dial Up Networking and all is well again!____I guess somewhere along the line in the first reinstall, I turned that off (since we dont need it) but in the second, being in a hurry, I left it. I was never looking at that so it never occurred to me that DUN would affect R&R or the printing!!____Hope that helps someone out.____Scott__

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=> RE: Fixed It!

Post by kfleming » Tue May 15, 2001 4:58 am

That is certainly not something that has ever come up before.__Thanks for sharing the happy ending.______Kathleen__R&R Support

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