General print spooler error ??

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General print spooler error ??

Post by TomSoCal » Wed Sep 11, 2002 12:52 pm

I recently installed R&R v9, and am updating reports from DOS R&R rp1 style report libraries.____R&R printing seems to work ok in "design mode", but when calling the runtime from my DOS program, I sporadically and frequently get "General printer spooler error" message and the report won^t print. I can preview the report OK via runtime, but when I click on the print icon on the toolbar I often/sometimes get the error.____The help file only acknowledges that this is an error in it^s alphabetical list of errors, but no help for the topic?____Any thoughts on what could be causing this?____Tom____Running WIN98, program written in Clipper 5.3, w/Blinker4, calling rrwrun.exe via Blink^s swpruncmd() function.

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=> RE: General print spooler error ??

Post by Conrad_S » Fri Nov 01, 2002 11:28 am

This is not really a reply, but more commentary. I recently upgraded from v9 to v10. Ihad no problems in v9, but now have encountered the same message in v10 on a fairly long report.

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=> RE: General print spooler error ??

Post by kfleming » Fri Nov 01, 2002 12:29 pm

Have you set a value for RI_WPTR in your control file?__Try setting it to DEFAULT and see if it helps.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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==> RE: General print spooler error ??

Post by DAG » Thu Nov 14, 2002 3:46 pm

In October, 2002, we upgraded from R&R 9 to ver 10. In the last week or so, I have also encountered this General print spool error. Also, I have gotten an Rl cal illegal operation error message. The subsequent error message box indicates IPF in Mod VFP6R.DLL.____In conjunction with the illegal operation message, I have gotten a memory error message re: MS Visual FoxPro. Then a message appears saying LPT1 Error, Choose Raw Spool Data format.______Dave Guidetti__Kitchen Associates__Using R&R to extract data from AccPac ProSeries Mfg and Coss Mfg, both of which are Visual FoxPro.____

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===> RE: General print spooler error ??

Post by kfleming » Thu Nov 14, 2002 3:53 pm

Is your report a multiple column report? In Conrad^s case the problem occurs for a report that has 2 columns. When switched to a single column, the problem is not present.__Also-what printer and O/S are you using?____Kathleen__R&R Support

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