Unable to load R&R in Win7 environment

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Unable to load R&R in Win7 environment

Post by OGRacing » Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:37 pm

We recently upgraded to a Win7 machine and are unable to load R&R Reports. The folders containing the reports were moved to the new machine and they function fine, effectively printing to the default printer. The default printer is directly attached to the PC - not networked. ____We discovered that a report needed some changes and when we attempt to load R&R Reports on the Win7 machine, we receive a User Function Access Error which is, most likely, a Permissions issue. We^ve scoured the Win7 permissions, granting full access to R&R on the local machine but to no avail.____Any suggestions on how to gain full access to R&R in a Win7 environment?

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=> RE: Unable to load R&R in Win7 environment

Post by cstrasser » Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:03 pm

Note where the version of R&R that is running is actually installed on this system. Typically, we install R&R to:____C:Program Files (x86)Liveware PublishingReportWorks Infinity____To find out, start R&R, then start the task manager. Go to the "processes" tab, find the process for R&R (typically rrw.exe or rsw.exe).____Right click on the process and select "open file location"____In this folder is a file called RRWLINK.INI or RSWLINK.INI. Edit it with Notepad. In it, you^ll see a path specified. Make sure that it matches with the actual. If the error still occurs, rename the files.__
Chris Strasser
Liveware Publishing, Inc.
Work bigger.

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