View Result Set RRv10 Does Not Work

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View Result Set RRv10 Does Not Work

Post by David_Ripley_(Guest) » Thu Oct 31, 2002 11:01 am

Any answers per my post of Oct 24th on above subject.__And when will patches be available?__Thanks__

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=> View Result Set RRv10 Does Not Work

Post by kfleming » Fri Nov 01, 2002 12:39 pm

Patches will be posted for download within the next week.__Until then, they are available by request by sending me an email.____But I think that your result set issue is a permissions or pathing thing. I am going to do another test install of V10 on a 2000 machine in our lab to confirm that this can indeed work.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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==> View Result Set RRv10 Does Not Work

Post by kfleming » Mon Nov 04, 2002 8:16 am

I installed V10 under Win2000 as an administrator.__As an administrator I can use the result set browser successfully.__I then logged in as a regular user to whom the admin granted access to the R&R folder. As a regular user I can also use the result set browser as well. So I am puzzled by what you are seeing on your machine.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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