Callback or workaround for RRWRUN?

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Callback or workaround for RRWRUN?

Post by delphi » Wed Oct 08, 2003 4:26 pm

In several of our applications, written in Delphi, we permit the user to choose either the designer (password protected) or the runtime for executing our predefined reports as well as any user designed reports they may construct.____The issue (I beieve it has been discussed here before) is there is no way, when using the runtime application, to indicate to the user that the report is being built -- and to wait for it to complete.____Any suggestions? Is there a workaround?____We call reports with a control.txt file constructed just prior to calling the R&R app.__

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=> Callback or workaround for RRWRUN?

Post by kfleming » Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:47 pm

I know that developers use a number of strategies to solve this problem. Hopefully someone will be willing to provide some programming suggestions to you.__One idea is to check the output status file which gets finally updated when a report completes.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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==> RE: Callback for RRWRUN?

Post by Al_Wimberly_(Guest) » Thu Jan 08, 2004 3:08 pm

Kathleen --____I keep checking this forum hoping that someone might enlighten me, but alas, NADA yet!____Can you provide (or point me to) some examples of using the status file, running RRWRUN, to tell when the report has finished and/or it^s progress?

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=> Callback or workaround for RRWRUN?

Post by John_Lewis_(Guest) » Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:28 pm

Hi:____Take a look at the Windows API CreateProcess()____You want to stop the new thread coming back to your Delphi App until the user closes the new process. In your case R&R Designer____Hope this helps____Regards____John Lewis

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