R&R PDF Driver

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R&R PDF Driver

Post by G_Ondovchak_(Guest) » Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:58 pm

I tried the suggestion below without effect. I^m getting the same behavior. When I try to print, the R&R runtime loads and then a dialog comes up with the title "Printers Folder" and the message: There was an error found when printing the document "rrACC Invoice.rrw" to g:amiinvoicesInvcACC156962.pdf. Do you want to retry or cancel the job. __Retry is futile, after clicking cancel the R&R PDF printer disappears from the Printers folder.____I assumed the RRW.INI needs to be in the windows directory but I also tried it in the application directory.____Is there anything else I can do?____--____ G Ondovchak __unregistered user__ Oct-22-04, 07:56 PM (EST) __ __4. "RE: Runtime PDF Output"__In response to message #3__ __ I have received the Install.exe mentioned above and used it successfully except on a Windows 2000 Terminal Server.__After installing the driver on that machine and trying to print I get an error that states "There was an error printing rrReport.rrw to file outputfile.pdf" and the choices Retry or Cancel. (The text may not be exact, I^m doing it from memory. Its a windows dialog that comes up). Retry isn^t working and when you cancel - the R&R PDF driver is deleted! I installed the driver as Administrator with the command "Install "R&R PDF Export" -s".____The same program works from other workstations on the customer^s network so I^m pretty confident there isn^t anything wrong there.____Any ideas?____TIA__George Ondovchak____ kfleming __unregistered user__ Oct-29-04, 07:08 AM (EST) __ __6. "RE: Runtime PDF Output"__In response to message #5__ __ Try adding the line PDFDRIVER=0 to the Defaults section of the RRW.INI file. That way R&R will not try to add or delete the driver.__Kathleen__R&R Support________ __ __ __ __ __

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=> RE: R&R PDF Driver

Post by kfleming » Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:02 pm

Is that workstation accessing a different version of RRWRUN.EXE and are you sure that this machine has an RRW.INI with the line PDFDRIVER=0____Kathleen__R&R Support

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==> RE: R&R PDF Driver

Post by G_Ondovchak_(Guest) » Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:04 pm

I^m as sure as I can get.____Using Windows Explorer and right-clicking on the rrwrun.exe file I see product version number 9.0.008.____rrwrun.exe is in the same directory as my application. I have an rrw.ini in that same directory and also in the windows directory.____Both show the following:__[Defaults]__PDFDRIVER=0____Will upgrading to the latest version of R&R make a difference? I^ve been considering it, if you can say for sure that this problem would go away then it would be be a no brainer.____George

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===> RE: R&R PDF Driver

Post by G_Ondovchak_(Guest) » Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:27 pm

I finally found a work around for this problem.____After installing the R&R PDF driver on the Server I had to right-click on the newly installed printer and choose Properties. On the Security tab click the Advanced button. Then add or edit "Special" permissions and click Deny for "Change Permissions" and "Take Ownership". This prevented the driver from being removed after it was used once.____This worked on Win2000 workstations and a Windows Server 2003. It didn^t work for the original Terminal Server because for some reason the Security tab was all grayed out even when logged in as Administrator. Luckily the user agreed to upgrade the Terminal Server to Server 2003 to get around the problem.____I hope this helps someone else.

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====> RE: R&R PDF Driver

Post by kfleming » Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:22 pm

Thanks for the information on this one.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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=====> RE: R&R PDF Driver

Post by Frazkrer » Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:45 pm

I ran Install.exe which installed PDF Compatible Printer Driver. When I run my program, which uses a text file as the control file, I have tried setting RI_WPTR=PDF Compatible Printer Driver and RI_WPTR=R&R PDF Export. In both instances, I can see R&R PDF Export popping into my Printer list and disappearing. I have an RRW.ini file in the WINNT directory of my Windows2000 pc that has PDFDRIVER=0 under the defaults section. With it set to R&R PDF Export, I get multiple errors popping up that say ^Cannot match printer or port in control file^ and ^Printer initialization error (check available memory)^, and ^Error retrieving printer information^. Most of the PDFs get generated correctly anyway, but it^s pretty slow (about 15/minute for PDFs that are 68 KB). I tried to right-click on the PDF Compatible Printer Driver in my list but it says ^Unable to display security information^ even if I log in as Administrator. Should I be able to see R&R PDF Export in my list? How do I keep it from popping in and out?

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