Printing on Windows 2003 server

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Printing on Windows 2003 server

Post by BruceB » Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:13 pm

When I run rrwrun on the Windows 2003 server, I get the dialog box _Cannot match printer or port in control file._ I believe I have copied every RR file from the development server to the production server, so I have either missed something or it is another problem. Tell me what file it is looking for, please. Rrwrun runs perfectly on our developement computer. We are outputing to a PDF file on a website.____OUTFILE_NA = CC_BATCH.PDF__RI_PRINTER = ""__RI_WPTR=R&R PDF Export ____Thank You,____Bruce Black__

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=> RE: Printing on Windows 2003 server

Post by Lisa_(Guest) » Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:45 pm

One procedure we^ve found to be successful is to change the default printer to another and then back to the desired printer. ____Long filenames and quotes or special characters in the printer file name have also been an occasional problem for us. ____Don^t know if the latter idea helps any...____Lisa____

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=> RE: Printing on Windows 2003 server

Post by kfleming » Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:00 pm

It sounds like the PDF printer driver is not being initialized so it is not being found when the report is being run.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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==> RE: Printing on Windows 2003 server

Post by bruceeanderson » Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:49 am

How does one "initialize the PDF printer driver" in Win2003 Server? Install it as a printer? Can you tell me which files are the PDF printer driver files?__

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===> RE: Printing on Windows 2003 server

Post by nlexyehuj » Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:44 pm

In RR 10+ Help "Creating PDF Output" is the following:____"Note that runtime users must have the appropriate PDF driver files available and that they must have the system rights to allow them to install a printer. If not, the error message "Cannot match printer or port in control file" will be returned and the PDF file will not be created."____On my XP system running RR Ver 10+ I can successfully export to a PDF using a control file and R&R PDF EXPORT. ____However there is not a R&R PDF EXPORT printer listed in my Printers List, should there be? ____If so, How do you install the R&R PDF EXPORT printer?________

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====> RE: Printing on Windows 2003 server

Post by bruceeanderson » Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:28 pm

I have the "Adobe PDF" driver installed as a printer on the server. If I set the control file RRRUNIN.DBF to use this printer, when I try to open my pdf output, Adobe Acrobat says it is "corrupted". Is there a way to get good R&R output from this pdf printer? ____From the R&R help file, it looks like Win2003 server is denying the installation of the R&R pdf driver, but I don^t know how to set rights/priviledges for ??? to allow the on the fly installation. I am logged into the server as "administrator" when I try to run my test rrwrun routine. This routine works on Win2000 server.____Bottom line: is it possible to run "rrwrun" on Win2003 and, if so, where do I go to set the driver install rights and how do I do that?__Thanks to anyone who has done this.

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=====> RE: Printing on Windows 2003 server

Post by kfleming » Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:45 am

To use the Adobe driver, you need to leave the RI_OUTFILE entry as blank and configure the Adobe driver to prompt you at runtime for a filename. When you set an RI_OUTFILE value, the resulting file contains printer control codes rather than a valid PDF document.____On 2003 you need to use the INSTALL.EXE program that should be found in the PDFFiles subdirectory of your R&R CD. You can then permanently install the driver on the runtime machine so that R&R does not need to attempt to install it each time it runs. Along with this you would need set PDFDRIVER=0 in the DEFAULTs section of your RRW.INI.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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======> RE: Printing on Windows 2003 server

Post by Al_K._(Guest) » Fri Mar 11, 2005 9:29 am

Kathleen,____Can you please tell me in which version was the need to click the properties button resolved? This is one of our biggest issues. We are running the Xbase edition 10 build 10.1.002__

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====> RE: Printing on Windows 2003 server

Post by Dan_Farnham » Wed Mar 16, 2005 3:17 pm

The properties problem was corrected in 10.1.003.____Kathleen__R&R Support

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======> RE: Printing on Windows 2003 server

Post by Dan_Farnham » Wed Mar 16, 2005 5:40 pm

I found the solution for my problem, and maybe it will solve yours.__You need to edit your "Local Computer Policy". To do this, you have to add the snap-in for group policies via the MMC console. __Run MMC, then on the file menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in. then click Add. Under the Available Stand-aline Snap-ins, click on Group Policy, and then click Add.____Tnen close up all but the MMC Console with the Group Policy open. Navigate to Local Computer Policy/Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Printers/Disallow installation of printers using kernel-mode drivers. Disable this and you should be in business.____

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