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=> RE: Are there problems with version 9

Posted: Tue May 01, 2001 9:05 am
by Bryant_Minard_(Guest)
>I^m excited about the new features __>in version 9. Like everyone __>else, I just received it __>a week or so ago. __> I installed it on __>the same computer with version __>8.1, but in a different __>directory than the default. __>I have been experiencing strange __>things since, which I now __>think might be attributable to __>either version 9 or the __>combination of 8.1 and 9. __> It^s on a Windows __>ME computer. __>__>Has anyone else been having a __>similar problem? ____I^m also using ME and I^m ok when a run a report for the first time. If I run a report a second time I get an error in HPBXLB.DRV. If I reboot the computer it works fine till I again try to print a second report. It doesn^t matter which report or whether I send it to the screen or printer. Any ideas?__

==> RE: Are there problems with version 9

Posted: Wed May 02, 2001 9:24 am
by kfleming
Send me your email address and I will sent you an alternative RRPD.DLL to see if it solves the problem.____Kathleen__R&R