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====> RE: choose tray....

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2002 4:49 am
by pdempsey
Hi,____Liveware people are not acting fast on a known bug which would resolve this problem fast. We had a problem where R&R cannot send printer ESC codes for other reasons. ____R&R people acknowledged the problem 2 years ago, but still did not put this the top 10 priority list. If they fix this problem, we can use printer ESC codes to select the tray. This would also open other doors for us developpers.____I^m really pissed at them because we have been using R&R for almost 10 years. Since they introduced the windows version, and the product shifted from 1 company to another and back to Liveware, their focus was lost - tight budget???____I hope they put this on the top of their list. It is sad to hear that their R&R dos version allows us to select the printer tray by using ESC printer codes and the windows version does some type of filtering out of ESC printer codes. Go figure???____Good luck!__Sergio

======> RE: choose tray....

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2002 4:54 am
by pdempsey
I am not sure that allowing escape codes to be sent to the printer is the right solution since those codes would be printer dependent.__The Windows API is really the way to go since windows will handle the printer side.__Do you know if Crystal allows you to send codes?____Improved tray selection in R&R should be coming in the new year.__As our revenue stream increases, so will our ability to fix/enhance the product.____Kathleen__R&R Support

=======> RE: choose tray....

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 6:30 am
by Bob_Velke
Hi Kathleen,____>I am not sure that allowing escape codes to be sent to the __>printer is the right solution since those codes would be __>printer dependent. ____I believe 99% of the laser printers out there are PCL compliant (HP Laserjet), therefore in most cases it should not be problem. It is better than resaving each report in R&R for specific printer.____Also, a good programmer would not hardcode ESC printer commands in R7R report, but probably stor those commands in a dbf. This allows us developpers and users to easily configure the application to work with almost any printer.____>Do you know if Crystal allows you to send codes? __Every windows program out there allows us to send data including ESC codes to the printer. I^ve done the test with:__1. MS Word__2. MS WordPad__3. Wordperfect__4. Crystal reports__5. Lotus____You guys are doing something which is considered a bug. The ESC codes should not be filtered out PERIOD.____>Improved tray selection in R&R should be coming in the new __>year.____Allowing us to print ESC codes opens more doors, I hope we don^t have to save every report with tray number for every deliver of application I do.____>As our revenue stream increases, so will our ability to __>fix/enhance the product. ____Have you guys considered venture capital? What about getting bank financing? Once you guys have a rock solid product, your sales may increase automatically. I currently have 5-10 users who want to purchase your software and I told them to hold till they fix my 3 bugs reported 2-3 years ago. Your call.____Sergio Mastronardi__www.gtechna.com__

========> RE: choose tray....

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2002 10:54 am
by Sergio_(Guest)
Sergio,____Though esc codes may be useful, the absence of a feature is NOT a bug. Why not support the program by recommending it to your users and maybe you^ll have more clout with the R&R developers.____I^d definitely like to see tray selection, but it^s not a deal breaker. By purchasing the developer edition, your users CAN have tray selection.____Pat__

====> RE: choose tray....

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 10:28 pm
by Bob_Velke
Oh, that^s funny.____My product sells at CompUSA for less than $30.00. I should tell each of those customers to buy a developer edition of R&R in order to be able print without having to hand-feed each sheet of paper?____No, it isn^t a "bug." But it is a ridiculous limitation for which we^ve been promised a fix for at least 6 years.____-Bob

====> RE: choose tray....

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 5:23 pm
by Bob_Velke
Why to go Bob!____Tray selection is a must!____Sergio__

=========> RE: choose tray....

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 4:17 pm
by Rick_Franz_(Guest)
It doesn^t look like they are planning on fixing this anytime soon! We are trying a Canon Imagerunner 5000 and I was going through the tedious process of saving each form to the proper tray, but it still did not print properly! The printer has 4 drawers, but Report Writer will only print to the first 3. When I save a form with tray 4, it prints to tray 1. Their tech support said they are aware this is a problem with some print drivers, but they don^t know which ones and they don^t have a solution. Of course they said it will "hopefully" be corrected in the new version. After reading these postings, I^m not holding my breath!

==========> RE: choose tray....

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:20 am
by kfleming
If you (or anyone else who is experiencing tray problems)can loan your printer to us, we can likely debug/fix the problem. One of the difficulties in fixing these kind of issues is in being able to reproduce the problem so that we are not blindly making software changes. For hardware dependent problems, it is not always easy to get the appropriate test situation. ____Kathleen__R&R Support

===========> RE: choose tray....

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 4:11 am
by Bob_Velke
Huh?! Experiencing tray problems? R&R doesn^t let you control the paper tray at runtime. You need me to _loan_you_a_printer_ to replicate that??____Why do you not answer my recent question in this thread? When can we expect a fix to this problem? Is a patch to R&R Xbase planned for this month? This quarter? This year?____-Bob

============> RE: choose tray....

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 11:27 am
by kfleming
Rick^s problem is a really a different problem than runtime tray selection. In his case the problem is in the selection of an available tray on a printer that has more than 3 available trays in the report designer itself, not runtime.____Version 10 is in the works to be available late/summer early fall.__We have already added the ability to select a page size at runtime in the current in-house alpha build. Tray selection is still in the work queue. If you would like to be a beta tester please let me know.____We may seem to be ignoring you, but believe me that the issues raised in this forum by our users are indeed a priority for how we go forward with R&R.______Kathleen__R&R Support