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==========> RE: labels

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 12:09 pm
by cal
The result is the same at my client^s Citrix deployment as it is here. There is a common component, though, which might just be the culprit. In my office, the printing is done to a network printer which is attached to a Novell Netware server. The same is true in my client^s plant. I^m now curious as to whether something quirky in Netware printing is doing this. Both places are running an old, er, maybe ANCIENT would be more accurate, version of Netware. I will check more and let you know when I find out, in case someone else shows up here with the same sad story.______Thanks for you help.____cal__

===========> RE: labels

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2002 11:51 pm
by Randal_Ferguson_(Guest)
Cal,____I have had numerous discussions with Liveware about custom page sizes using R&R under Windows 2000 and WinXP. R&R is not compatible with the way W2K and WinXP handle custom page sizes. Earlier versions of windows used a specific value to identify the page size, W2K and WinXP use an index into an array of available page sizes (custom and otherwise). ____You can try attaching the printer directly to the computer you are printing from, i.e. the printer driver will point to a local printer. Right click on the printer icon and select Printing Preferences. Click the Advanced button and set the paper size to your custom form size. In R&R, save the report using this same printer driver and page size. Let me know the results.____Be aware that a report with a custom page size created/defined on one computer will not work on an identical printer on another computer with the same version of Windows with the same custom form name!____Thanks,__Randal Ferguson ______>The result is the same at my client^s Citrix deployment as __>it is here. There is a common component, though, which __>might just be the culprit. In my office, the printing is __>done to a network printer which is attached to a Novell __>Netware server. The same is true in my client^s plant. I^m __>now curious as to whether something quirky in Netware __>printing is doing this. Both places are running an old, er, __>maybe ANCIENT would be more accurate, version of Netware. I __>will check more and let you know when I find out, in case __>someone else shows up here with the same sad story. __>__>__>Thanks for you help. __>__>cal __

============> RE: labels

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 1:31 pm
by cal
Thanks, Randall.____I will try this and report back here the results.____cal

============> RE: labels

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2002 12:55 pm
by cal
Randal,____There is a small problem here. The app I^m working on to print labels is running on a Citrix MetaFrame application server. A local printer would be on the other side of twon from where the data is being entered. :-(____The app is an inventory system. The function being performed is the receipt of goods into inventory. As each package^s data is entered, an ID tag is printed and fixed to the package for inventory. Essentially, the is one label printed for each package received. As it stands, the printer rolls up 11 inches after printing each label. The operator has been patient while I look for a solution, but she remembers when the same app did run from a local printer, using set print on and "?" technology and worked perfectly. I sense in her voice that she longs for a simpler time, if you know what I mean. The big dudes want the higher tech stuff, but "where the rubber meets the road", as they say, the people are most impressed by things which work well day in and day out. Business longevity is best served by giving them all what they want.____Any more ideas?____I^m working on trying to use PageScript, which I have used before successfully for other things. I upgraded to the latest version of it, too and now am wishing I hadn^t done so.____cal

=============> RE: labels

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2002 9:05 am
by Randal_(Guest)
Cal,____Sorry for the delayed response, I don^t visit this forum every day.____>There is a small problem here. The app I^m working on to __>print labels is running on a Citrix MetaFrame application __>server. A local printer would be on the other side of twon __>from where the data is being entered. :-( ____I understand. Is the driver for this printer installed on the local computer?____>The app is an inventory system. The function being __>performed is the receipt of goods into inventory. As each __>package^s data is entered, an ID tag is printed and fixed to __>the package for inventory. Essentially, the is one label __>printed for each package received. As it stands, the __>printer rolls up 11 inches after printing each label. The __>operator has been patient while I look for a solution, but __>she remembers when the same app did run from a local __>printer, using set print on and "?" technology and worked __>perfectly. I sense in her voice that she longs for a __>simpler time, if you know what I mean. The big dudes want __>the higher tech stuff, but "where the rubber meets the __>road", as they say, the people are most impressed by things __>which work well day in and day out. Business longevity is __>best served by giving them all what they want. __>__>Any more ideas? ____The only other option I can suggest is to send/export the report to a text file and then print that. It seems that if the report is exported to a text file the correct number of lines are exported if your report does not contain more band lines that would fit on a label AND the printer driver is installed on the local machine. I don^t know what programming language you are using but I have managed to do this using Clipper/Fivewin. In your case, it would be interesting to see if the exported file contained the correct number of lines.____>I^m working on trying to use PageScript, which I have used __>before successfully for other things. I upgraded to the __>latest version of it, too and now am wishing I hadn^t done __>so. __>__>cal ____From what I understand, Liveware is working on this problem and may have a solution in their next update. I have hundreds of customers that use custom page size reports and this has been a major problem for us as these customers upgrade to Windows 2000 and/or WinXP.____Thanks,__Randal

==============> RE: labels

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 12:21 pm
by cal
Do you solve this by using the text file method?____cal

===============> RE: labels

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2002 9:43 am
by Randal_Ferguson_(Guest)
>Do you solve this by using the text file method? __>__>cal ______Cal,____I wouldn^t call it "solved" but have managed to find a work around using the text file method. You cannot use the print preview and you have to send the report to the printer yourself using a function to print the text file created from R&R.____Regards,__Randal Ferguson