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==========> RE: Emailing R&R reports - Runtime vs Enterprise?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2001 4:04 pm
by kfleming
How about selling the runtime separately as an enhanced developer runtime. As long as it^s royalty free for one upfront price, it would be a good compromise.____Some of our users buy the developer edition, but it^s beyond the understanding of many of them.____Emailing reports is hot hot hot, and I agree that we must support R&R, so it^s time to think outside the box, and add another product (Enhanced Runtime) and also go with a subscription service for automatic license updates.____Most of us could not add $300 or so to the price of our software package, but $1K for some kind of different runtime would be feasible.____Anyone with thoughts on that?____Pat__

========> RE: Emailing R&R reports

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 9:33 am
by Colin_Dow_(Guest)
You raise an interesting point. For the purchase price of a single desktop application, an application developer can upgrade dozens or hundreds or thousands of seats. Compare this to end users (like me) who are only upgrading one station with each copy we buy.____Would make sense to have a developers version that costs more, and an end-user report designer that costs less. But I suspect that market pressures are preventing this.____

=========> RE: Emailing R&R reports

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 12:38 pm
by kfleming
It depends on the price for a Developer Runtime. I think that Crystal just shot themselves in the foot.____According to Database Reporting News from Howard Hammerman__---__Version 8.5 of Crystal specifically prohibits the use of Crystal or its runtime files in conjunction with a "Report Distribution System" that "regularly greater than 50...users" without the purchase of a broadcast license. This is why the Cizer software can only use Crystal reports created in__version 7 (before this prohibition was initiated). According__to a Crystal partner the price for a broadcast license is:____50 to 100 users $10,000 per year__500 to 1500 users $15,000 per year__1,500+ users $50,000 per year__---__However, a super-runtime for $1,000 is not out of the question if it had the features reserved to the normal developer edition.____Let^s face it, if you develope software, you know that programmers are not cheap (though not as expensive as a year ago :-) ) Anybody know what a "report distribution system" is?____

=========> RE: Emailing R&R reports

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2001 11:19 am
by Andrew_Bokelman
No doubt you^re fed up with hearing about this but I thought I^d wade in and give my opinion anyway.____To stay current you need to keep your features abreast with and if possible ahead of the market. If you do this people will buy your product. ____Much as I like R&R and would prefer to stay with RR the bottom line is that I help to run a business not a charity. If you can^t supply the features I want then I must go elsewhere. The more features you supply the more I^m likely to buy the product. I wouldn^t be averse to a bit extra for an enhanced version.____If you need money to develop do a business plan and see your bank. Then come back and offer me the finished product at a price which makes your business viable.____Give us runtime e-mailing. You may go broke but think how warm you feel inside knowing how happy you made me.____Perhaps you need to work on your marketing too. I found that there was a new version while surfing the net for a dll. Never received any promo mailing even though we were a registered user.

==========> RE: Emailing R&R reports

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2001 12:58 am
by Pat_Dempsey_(Guest)
If you want to email your registration information to me, I will confirm that we indeed have your entered in our database.____The continued feedback on email bursting is truly appreciated.__Your opinions are certainly being heard and discussed here within Liveware where the future direction of R&R continues to evolve.______Kathleen__R&R Support

==========> RE: Emailing R&R reports

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2001 8:58 am
by Barbarabuh
Hello__When do you think a new version with MAPI (in Runtime) come ? or a patch ?__It^s urgent for a lot of my client !__Regards__Geneva, Switzerland__