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Double spaced reports

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:06 pm
by Dan
I am getting a double spaced report output. I am using the latest version 12 runtime. It only occurs on some customers system. I don^t know what is causing it. Can you help? I can send you a sample if requested.____Thanks,__Dan

=> RE: Double spaced reports

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:29 am
by Dan
One of my users determined what is causing the double spacing of reports. It seems when you switch from English(United States) to German(Germany) via the control panel Regional/Language settings the reports are printed double spaced. I haven^t tried other languages and I don^t know if this is a know bug or just the way it is designed. Can someone at Liveware comment on this? Is there a way to eliminate the double spacing when switching to another language?____Thanks__Dan