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"Too many reports for DLL"

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 12:16 am
by Richard_Mack_(Guest)
I have an application that has integrated R&R for executing invoice reports; anywhere from 150 > 200 per month. The execution of these reports is performed in a batch process. ____We have been running these on a 64 Bit Windows Server 2003, with a custom R&R install of version 12. Since we started experiencing errors with this, we have downloaded and installed R&R version 12.5. I have changed the system path to now look for RSW.EXE in the new install. ____This has appeared to correct a couple of problems I was experiencing (involved perceived bad data sources). However, I am unable to resolve the error "Too many reports for DLL", which appears to be coming from the RSW.EXE. ____Can you shed some light on this error and help me figure out how I can get this resolved?____Thanks, in advance.____Richard Mack

=> RE:

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 12:06 pm
by Richard_Mack_(Guest)
An update...____It was a bit late when I originally posted. We are using the report viewer (RSWRUN) to generate PDF output. Our custom install involved purchasing the amyuni PDF drivers. We have these installed and are getting the described error.____Is this related to the Amyuni print driver, or does this come from within R&R?____Richard Mack

==> RE:

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 2:20 pm
by kfleming
It is one of the errors that can be generated by the runtime DLL interface.____Does this only occur if you run a certain number of reports in a single session?____Kathleen__R&R Support

===> RE:

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 9:46 am
by Richard_Mack_(Guest)
Thank you for the information.____This would explain why I can get a report to run from the command line using a control file but not get reports from my application.____To answer your question.__I^m not sure how this process is managing the session. I will have to look into that. I do know that this process has run extremely well for over a year without any issues. In that time the number of reports has gone down. We used to run 250 to 300 reports in a single run. We are now down to 150 to 200.____Another questions about the run time:____Is there a location on the disk where the requests get "spooled"? Could it be that there is clean-up that either isn^t happening or the space used by the runtime has diminished? Will a system restart, clean this up? ____From what you have told me it would appear that the runtime is "plugged" and not able to service any more requests. So, What is my best course of action to "free" the runtime?____Thanks again.__Richard Mack

====> RE: "Too many reports for DLL"

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:21 pm
by Richard_Mack_(Guest)
Kathleen,____I probably should have been more clear in my post from yesterday. But I am still trying to solve this problem (finally got time to get back at it). We have been running our systems on a Substitute server and I now need to fix this.____My target box is a Windows 2003 64-bit server. Previously, we had purchased the 64 bit Amyuni driver and created a custom install of R&R 12.0.1. This worked great until about the end of May.____What I have done:__1. I have tried to re-install Amyuni and run against the custom install, without luck.__2. I have know removed the custom install and installed 12.5. The designer works great, I can print to my PDF driver from designer. Unfortunately, my runtime DLL calls are returning either of the following two messages.____"DB access: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified"__or__"Too many reports for DLL" (This one usually comes after receiving a large number of the first.)____Sorry for the long rant, but any help you could provide would be appreciated.____Thanks, in advance.__Richard Mack