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Fixed Field Legnth

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:21 am
by Marfabend
I have a numeric field that I want to export from R&R with a fixed legnth 6 digits, decimal point, five digits. If there are not 6 digits in front of the decimal, I would like it padded with zeros. Can you tell me how to set this up?

=> RE: Fixed Field Legnth

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:44 am
by kfleming
You could use the expression:__replicate("0",12-len(ltrim(str(NumField,12,5))))+ltrim(str(NumField,12,5))____where NumField is the name of a numeric field__to have 49.95 appear as 000049.95000____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Fixed Field Legnth

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:08 am
by Fonz
Here is an alternative:__If you want a number to have a fixed width with leading zeros, then you need to ADD to this number, the value of ONE (1) with AS MANAY ZEROS as the required width. Next you use the RIGHT Function to get your 6 characters from the right. So the formula is:____RIGHT(Str(YourNum + 1,000,000),6) - for 6 character width ____Example : YourNum = 376 and you want to display "000376" . Then:__Right(Str(376+1,000,000),6) = ^000376^____Note: Str(376+1000000) wiil evaluate to "1000376" - a 7 digit number and taking as manay desired characters as match the zeros from the RIGHT will drop the ^1^ always.____If the width required is 5, then__RIGHT(Str(100,000+376 = 100376),5) = ^00376^____If the width required is 10, then:__RIGHT(Str(10,000,000,000 + 376 = 10000000376),10) = ^0000000376^____Regards__Mark

===> RE: Fixed Field Legnth

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:38 pm
by Fonz
With my suggestion above, the RIGHT function becomes more complicated should your number not be an Integer value; you will then need to work out the number of places after the decimal and add them, PLUS 1 (for the decimal point) to the RIGHT function extract e.g.____RIGHT( STR(1000000 + ROUND(376,3)),6+3+1) ____EVALUTES TO:__RIGHT( STR(1000000 + 376.000),10) ____EVALUTES TO:__000376.000____However, whenever I have used leading zeros in the past, it has always been in a ^Code^ field (e.g. Employee Payroll No) and these Codes are generally integers - in those cases, my first solution applies without the ROUND function.____Cheers__Mark______