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Future of R&R ?

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:51 am
by MosAgipmibe
I have used R&R since I can^t remember when, At least the late 80^s.__It was really the ground breaker for all the great tools in use today. __It is a very important tool for us and I am sure many people who base their complete application around it. ____The infinity title worries me.____Does R&R have a future? __Where is it going from here? ____thanks__

=> RE: Future of R&R ?

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:57 pm
by kfleming
We are continuing to actively develop and market and support R&R.__By upgrading to the Infinity version you will be guaranteed to always have the latest release.____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Future of R&R ?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:19 am
by SimonBray
Katherine,____I too have been a user of R&R since 1990 (V4 DOS). In those days R&R and Crystal were on a par - I am afraid that you can not say that today. R&R has simply not had the development effort over the past 10 years (I blame Wall Data). ____The SQL product is slow, unreliable and lacks the sort of features that you get from other brands. It is a shame as it was a great product and was the leader in ease of use for simple ad hoc reports.____Regards,__Simon Bray