Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:35 pm
I^m trying to create a report that is taking data from 3 tables:__#1: Customers (aka Cust)__#2: Sales_Orders (aka SO)__#3: Purchase_Orders (aka PO)____In this report the Master table is the Cust table. I then link tables SO & PO by a common field (cust_id).____I^m trying to get the report to first list all SO^s that meet a specific criteria. That specific criteria is the ship_date field.____After the report has printed all of the SO^s for the specified date, I want it to print out all of the PO^s that also meet the same date specification. Also - there is a true/false condition put on the line for the PO information, so that it only prints out when it^s true.____Group one is grouped by so_id__Group two is grouped by po_id____Right now, if I put the data in two seperate groups, then it prints out with the SO data and PO data jumbled together.____How can I get this information to print out all of the SO data first, and then print out all of the PO data second?____Does this make sense?____Thanks,__Sherri____