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Help!! Old version problems!!

Posted: Thu May 03, 2001 8:10 am
by Scott
Hi!____I need help badly here! We bought an accounting program called Solomon which uses R&R but recently we^ve started having problems printing reports. I^ve done many many tests consuming days of my time but cant find whats causing the problem! Obviously this is a MAJOR problem if our accounting department cant print reports!____The problem occurs during printing custom reports. This error comes up first: Rswrun has caused an error in RSWRUN.EXE. ____After closing that error window, I can sorta continue in the program but more and more random errors occur and I have to reboot the computer to clear this up!____Here^s the details:____The OS is Windows ME. We have 5 computers in the dept. set up identically and so far only 2 have had this problem, and one is now fixed and working fine! My fix was to format the hd, reinstall everything, except to install an older version of Eudora (4.2) because it seems that this was occurring after installing the latest update (5.02, upgrading from 5.0). IT seemed to be some kind of mapi conflict. I dont know if that means anything or makes any sense, but when I did that, it worked! 2 weeks later that workstation is still working just fine.____2 days ago another computer stopped booting (I believe do to a bad install). After failed attempts to simply reinstall winME overtop of itself, I ended up deleting the partition and reformatting, installing etc, etc. This time, because of the other experience, I installed eudora 4.2 to hopefully avoid future problems. (keep in mind that the other 3 accounting computers are still working fine with eudora 5 or 5.02!)____Everything worked fine for the first few hours but suddenly this RSWRUN.EXE error started occurring!! So now I highly doubt my eudora fix was anything more than coincidence.____I switched that computer for one that has win98 as a test, but although it runs and prints just fine, I remembered (when shown the printouts!) that we had to modify all our custom reports for win ME and now they dont print properly under win98!! (the print drivers works slightly different under winME, things show up slightly out of place on the pages!)____So now I need a solution!! Here^s the latest discovery. The date of the rswrun.exe file is 8/21/93!! (!!!!!!)____So my question, of course, is... can I upgrade that part of our program somehow??? Even if just slightly, since it seems pretty obviously that this version was not written for a 32 bit operating system!!____Im almost positive that there is some other very very TINY detail that is causing this problem (since all the other workstations work fine) but I have yet to discover what it is! But now Im VERY curious why we got the ^93 version of R&R when we bought Solomon in 1999!!! ____Anyway, sorry for the long winded story but Im VERY desperate here. The dealer that sold us Solomon has been no help so far and before I go back to them (we will have to pay a lot of money for more help, of course.. and probably get nowhere!) I need as many clues as I can get!____if anyone has ANYTHING at all to say on the subject, it MIGHT help!! PLEASE email me directly at: scott@sound-ideas.com____THANKS, EH!!!!!!____Scott____

=> RE: Help!! Old version problems!!

Posted: Thu May 03, 2001 11:06 pm
by Randal_(Guest)
Sounds like you have a very old version of R&R for DOS. Could be that you have mixed files from different versions of R&R (support .dll^s maybe?).____Also, does it make a difference what kind of printer you are printing to? Are you using the print preview?____Regards,__Randal

==> RE: Help!! Old version problems!!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2001 8:35 am
by Scott
Thanks a LOT for the response!! Im getting nowhere fast here and I need all the help I can get!____Let me provide a little more info:____The version of rswrun.exe is (old, eh?!!) I dont know if this is a DOS version or not, but since it was compiled in ^93 its OBVIOUSLY not 32 bit or anything close to it!!____According to the people who sold us Solomon, this version was used for a long time as Solomon^s report writer and since it worked and there was no reason to upgrade, they didnt! Also there are several function calls to and from the program which means it is very tightly integrated with Solomon and cant be upgraded or replaced. ____According to them, our only option is to upgrade solomon which means a cost of around $21,000 plus the cost of putting win2k on each workstation! Not a nice solution considering we just got this program 2 years ago!!____But anyway, here^s some more info:____The tech guy told me that IE 5 causes this error. He says getting the upgrade fixes the problem and 5.5 is no problem. However, win ME comes with IE 5.5, and even when I get the latest service pack from MS, the problem still occurs.____Yesterday, I tried deleting the partition and installing ONLY win me and solomon. No upgrades, no other programs, NOTHING.... the problem still occurs.____But remember, on all of our other workstations (including one that had the same problem and I fixed... somehow!) the program prints just fine! ____the only other clues he could give me were: the program needs to be able to do 16 bit printing, and needs 16 bit ole. Im looking into that but Im not getting too far.____Of course, I still think its some stupid little setting somewhere... maybe an IP thing.. dunno, but again ANY thoughts or ideas are MUCH appreciated!____Thanks again!____Scott__

===> RE: Help!! Old version problems!!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2001 2:15 pm
by kfleming
You can upgrade your R&R to the current 32bit R&R SQL 8.1 edition however you would also need a 32bit ODBC data source to go along with it to interface to Solomon.__So it might not be so simple.__The Solomon version you are using is a 16bit Btrieve based application that bundled a special R&R version.____Kathleen__R&R support

===> RE: Help!! Old version problems!!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2001 5:28 am
by Randal_(Guest)
Are all the workstations printing to the same printer on a network or do all the computers have their own printers? Please outline exactly what kind of printers you are printing to and how they are configured, i.e. network or local.____Could you elaborate a little on the history? This s/w worked fine until when? Until upgrading to WinME? If this has worked for some time then obviously we need to look at all things that have been changed, i.e. OS, printers, drivers, etc.____Thanks,__Randal

====> RE: Help!! Old version problems!!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2001 1:24 pm
by Scott
Hi.____The systems print to local printers (HP 1100) and also to a network printer (which I do my testing on as well) which is an HP 4si on an NT 4 sp6a network. ____As for the "until" part, thats the whole problem. Its obviously some tiny little change but I cant figure out what. Here^s what makes it even more mysterious:____I fixed the first system by wiping the drive, recreating the partition, reformatting, reinstalling winME and all the normal stuff we use (office97, eudora, netscape, acrobat reader, etc) and then it worked. In that case the only thing I did different was to install an older version of eudora (4.2 instead of 5.02). ____But on the second system, I did the exact same thing and it the same problem reappeared immediately!! ____I^ve since fixed it by putting the HD into the first system and using norton Ghost to copy the good system onto it. Problem solved. Except that, I found one other computer that has the same problem! It^s ok for now though because custom reports are not printed by that person. ____So for now its fine, but I have a feeling this will appear again and I^d love to be able to just FIX it, rather than going through the other hassles!____As for upgrading (as suggests a couple of msg^s back) Ive been told its not possible because of the links to solomon. I have a feeling that if this continues to happen, it will be easiest to just downgrade those computers to win98 and move the older custom reports back.____But still, ideas are quite welcome!! The clues are: ____Only affected by the custom reports (which I assume is when rswrun.exe is called).____All other printing and other functions on the workstation are completely unaffected.____Works fine on 3 other winME systems____Reinstalling winME by itself (after formatting the drive), NOTHING else installed.... problem still exists.____But on a different system, reformatted, reinstalled all our normal programs, and it DID work. ____one other note: when I got the new computers, I set one up and the company I got them from ghosted the first HD onto all the rest. Therefore, they were all identical at the start. I^ll think about what I might have done on that first system, but I know I didnt do anything too different!____Thanks again.____Scott________