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How to properly generate SDF format report

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:54 pm
by Cliff_Wiernik
We the DOS version of the report writer, via runtime control, we would select ^A^ as the printer and generate a file in SDF format with no problems.____With the Windows version, 12.5.001, windows definition, when we do that, for a single band report, it overlaps the fields unless the font is set to 12 point courier new. We also had to change numeric fields to character equivalents to avoid an additional space being added. We had selected the export options.____If we chose printer ? and then export, it generated the report properly. Finally we determined that using a printer of CSV would properly under runtime control generate a properly formatted SDF report with proper spacing.____What is the proper way to create/define reports to generate a SDF report and export it under runtime control file control. I found the above out by trial and error. Also, are numeric fields properly handled without resorting to formatting them as strings.____Cliff.

=> RE: How to properly generate SDF format report

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:32 am
by Cliff_Wiernik
Just wondering why a response has not been posted