Import emails for reservations?
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:41 pm
My company, LifeWay, uses R&R with SMS|Host. *I can send individual MS Outlook emails with the Correspondence module in Host. I would prefer to be able to use R&R or a simple tool that could import a list of email addresses for all reservations made in the past day. This list would use R&R^s MAPI/mail options to send out an email to each guest with their specific reservation information, also pulled from a Host table. I would then be able to do this once or twice a day instead of having to send an email for every reservation made throughout the day. Does anyone know if this is possible and how I could do it??____*Outlook is the only app that works with Host at the moment, not even Outlook Express is supported; I did notice a comment about PDFeBurst where someone is using Lotus Notes, which is the app that my company uses.__http://