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12.5 crashing

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:50 pm
I thought downloading the latest version would fix this, but I have a simple report, a master joined to another table on a one to many relationship. The master has about 30,000 records and the slave has about 1.7 MM records (date oriented). I am summing my date records by property (unique identifier in the master) and 2 of thos summaries are preprocessed totals, which I use in my filter, I am selecting where those are both equal to zero. Previewing, or exporting both work the same, they mash and count records, and right when the first page is about to come up (on preview) it crashes with a memory access error. Any idea how to debug this or fix it?____thanks__Fred Emmerich

=> RE: 12.5 crashing

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:22 pm
by cstrasser
Wow. Sounds like quite a complex report. Would it be possible to break it up into multiple pieces and run it as a batch (i.e. via RapidRunner)? Is it an Xbase or a SQL report?

==> RE: 12.5 crashing

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:56 pm
by cstrasser
I just created a similar report. I found a data set where I had a 20K record master and a 1.9M record related table. I joined them via a scan and created two sums grouping by a calculated key from the master. I put those two sums into my query and ran the report. My preview worked fine.____I^m running a Windows 7 64-bit system with 4GB of RAM. What kind of system do you have?

=> RE: 12.5 crashing

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:21 am
by ReneeBoync
I^m having the same issue. I^ve created a User SQL report pulling from two tables with nested Left Joins. The max record count is approximatly 15K records so I don^t think it^s a memory issue... ____Reading into R&R^s pdf doc stating that errors (if returned) are usually returned from the SQL server. I went as far a duplicating the query in MS Access which works fine. I^m wondering if R&R is doing some parsing prior - and having issues with the nested joins? ____One of the reasons I joined the forum to see if there is a resolution.________