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Infinity random shutdowns

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:54 am
by BruceB
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-06 AT 11:42 AM (EST)]I^m using Infinity 12.0.002 and am experiencing random program shutdowns due to some mysterious error. They don^t occour very often, maybe once every 2 days and this is when I^m using the program all day. I get the Microsoft "Do you want to send information" message and I always say "yes". When this happens, the report I^m working on has to be recovered through "Autosave". Sometimes the version of my report that is recovered is very old because I push the save button often. So after this older version was recovered I shut down RR and said don^t save my report. Now my report is completly gone. Forunately I should be able to make a new one in a few hours. I^m perplexed because all the other programs on this computer are stable. I^m instituting a backup solution that will backup all my reports to another drive every few minutes because some of these reports would take days to reproduce while I^m developing them.____AppName: rrw.exe_ AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll__ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180_ Offset: 00010f29____MS also generates a file that they transmit, do you want this file?____Bruce