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Internal Error 20 / R&R 5.0

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2002 2:12 pm
by M._Hoffmann_(Guest)
Hi Kathleen,____I^m still using R&R 5.0 for some of my reports. Some of the more__complex reports make the runtime system die with "Internal Error 20".__The designer does not show any problems with these reports.____What does Internal Error 20 mean?____Kind regards,____Michael____

=> Internal Error 20 / R&R 5.0

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2002 4:31 pm
by kfleming
I think that this error indicated a divide by zero or a computation based on a blank date. (But this is based on trying to remember back to a much earlier time...)____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Internal Error 20 / R&R 5.0

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2002 5:36 am
by M._Hoffmann_(Guest)
Hi Kathleen,____it^s got to be something else. The report can be previewed in draft mode without any problems. And when you then select <Generate Report> the runtime system dies with an internal error 20. (DOS 6.22a) When this happens on Windows NT you receive an NTVDM error: unknown instruction. I already tried with another printer driver. Doesn^t work either. ____The likelyhood of this error seems to increase with the complexity of the report (high number of relations). And the problem does not show up while you design the report. But when you run it the first time (after 4 hours or more of hard work) you are ready to jump out of the window because of this error.____Michael.

===> RE: Internal Error 20 / R&R 5.0

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2002 6:41 am
by kfleming
Can you use the Windows version of R&R instead?____Kathleen__R&R Support

====> RE: Internal Error 20 / R&R 5.0

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2002 8:19 am
by M._Hoffmann_(Guest)
The report works fine with the Windows version, but, alas, __I need tray support.____Michael

=====> Internal Error 20 / R&R 5.0

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2002 6:00 pm
by kfleming
One diagnostic to narrow things down is to try removing lines from the report to see if the problem can be traced to a particular one.____I usually take away everything and then add a text field to a record band. If that works, I add lines back one at a time. If that fails, I start removing calcs/totals until I find the culprit.________Kathleen__R&R Support

======> RE: Internal Error 20 / R&R 5.0

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 8:25 am
by M._Hoffmann_(Guest)
Hi Kathleen,____thanks for answering.____This problem seems to be related to memory management inside RRUN.EXE.__This problem appears (or does not appear) depending on:____Operating system (works with DOS 6.22, doesn^t work with NT4).____Machine (works with one machine running NT4, doesn^t work with another machine running NT4).____Way of starting RRUN.EXE: Works with Clipper/Blinker, doesn^t work with Xbase++.____Are there any hidden settings that advise RRUN.EXE how to handle memory or which type of memory to use?____Kind regards,____Michael.______

=======> Internal Error 20 / R&R 5.0

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 11:43 am
by kfleming
Nothing that is configurable.______Kathleen__R&R Support