2" page len and continous paper
2" page len and continous paper
I^m trying to print a report to 2" label continous stock paper.__It is a report (parent to children), not a label.____The form size and printer has been set up properly on win2000 and xp machines.____I have now found out that RR stores the form size on the report as a number, not word, and that this number can vary per machine.____This means, as I understand, that the report needs to be opened, set up, and saved at each work station.____Does this mean a unique report saved per station? Or per printer?__This could mean 100 reports on a lan with a local printer installed per user! Tell me I am wrong. ____If I convert this report to a label, does the same problem still exist?____The bottom line is I need to print to continous 2" paper without a full page eject.____-Jeannie____
=> RE: 2" page len and continous paper
It would be the same for a label and yes it is currently true that server forms are machine specific so that each workstation user would have to save a copy of the report.____Kathleen__R&R Support