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Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2001 3:04 am
by ramirezosvaldo
Hi ...____I have a report that has a group for cliente number, So I need to show for each client number the note Page x of y. I tried with lastpage() and reportpage() but these return the global reports pages.____Well, this is my actual problem.____Thanks and regards__Osvaldo Ramirez.____P.S. How Can I register my product ( R&R Xbase++ Edition Ver9 Upgrade from 8.1__

=> RE: LastPage()

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2001 7:39 am
by kfleming
There is not a way to return the total number of pages for a group level. We may add this capability in a future release.____You can email your registration information to us at Support

==> RE: LastPage()

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2001 1:33 am
by Pat_Dempsey_(Guest)
I^d like to see that enhancement also. Page x of y is being required on certain financial reports and when the name of the person receiving the report changes, the value of y needs to start over.____Pat__

===> RE: LastPage()

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2001 8:17 pm
by ramirezosvaldo
HI ....____I have another problem with the lastpage()__The details are:____Master file SUB_COM.DBF with SUB_COM1.NTX with 21 records__relation to COMPRAS.DBF with str(com_id,6,0) as key relation field.____This report show me a purchase order.__If there are more of one page, in the footer of all pages < of lastpage() must print a note, that say "continue in the next page". if pageno() or reportepage() is equal that lastpage(), this notes are empty.____I saw that in the entire page could print 21 record and if there are 21 record on my purchase that note that I talk about are empty.__and my preview show me 2 pages.____I have a zip file to show my problem, if your have time to see, I could send it.____Thanks a lot__Osvaldo Ramirez__

====> RE: LastPage()

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 12:59 pm
by kfleming
Please send the ZIP to kfleming@livewarepub.com____Kathleen__R&R Support