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Library Error

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:17 pm
by Caruch
In R&R 12, I converted a report from Xbase to SQL, when I run the converted report I get an error__Library Error (cannot open file) reading report. __Then it displays the path to the report.__It doesn_t give specific error info.____Any idea where I can start to fix this

=> Library Error

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:54 am
by GSL
I had the same error using R&R 12 on Windows 7. How can I fix it?____Thanks.

==> RE: Library Error

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:01 am
by cstrasser
It^s not a Report Librarian issue, but an issue with R&R perhaps looking for the report itself.____Just yesterday I converted an old Xbase report to SQL Server 2008 R2. There were a few messages, but the fixes were pretty straightforward.____If you could send screen shots to cstrasser <at> livewarepub <dot> com, I might be able to point you in the right direction.

===> RE: Library Error

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:54 am
by VeronaTuh
I think it^s an ODBC problem.____I just upgraded my Oracle client software (which includes a new ODBC driver) from 9i to 11g and all my reports that worked fine yesterday now give me this same error.____I^m now having trouble trying to install the old driver without getting rid of the new client. Arggg.____Has anyone got a resolution for this?______>It^s not a Report Librarian issue, but an issue with R&R __>perhaps looking for the report itself. __>__>Just yesterday I converted an old Xbase report to SQL Server __>2008 R2. There were a few messages, but the fixes were __>pretty straightforward. __>__>If you could send screen shots to cstrasser <at> livewarepub __><dot> com, I might be able to point you in the right __>direction. __