Lines not printing
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:10 am
I have a report running a pretty simple SQL statement:____select__ distinct Report."PlanogramDBVersionKey", Report."ProductUPC", Report."ProductName", Report."ProductPrice", Report."ProductDesc3", Report."ProductDesc7"__ from __"dbo"."Planogram_Product_Position_Report" Report, "dbo"."Print_Planogram" PrintPln, "dbo"."Store_Planogram_Product" Changes __where__ Report."PlanogramName" = PrintPln."PlanogramName" __and Report."ProductUPC" = Changes."ProductUPC" and Report."PlanogramDBVersionKey" = Changes."PlanogramDBKey" __and (Changes."ChangeFlagDeleted" > 0) __order by__ Report."ProductUPC"____When I add these fields to the report (from the GUI or directly into a blank report using the SQL statement above), price and PlanogramDBKey are the only two columns that print. Because the prices are all different, I can verify through T-SQL that the data is correct. I can also run this statement directly in the SLQ Studio and I get the correct results. Any ideas why the first four columns fail to show any data?