Logarithm Base 10

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Logarithm Base 10

Post by EastPenn » Thu Jan 08, 2004 12:50 pm

The LOG function uses a natural logarithm base and I need to use Base 10. Can I override the LOG function Base number or does someone know the mathematical translation of the LOG function?____For example, a report calculates the antilog of a Result value for every employee:__ Employee Antilog (base 10) = 10 to the exponent Employee Result__ (where Employee Result is a database field) ____The report averages the antilogs of all employees by Company and the reverse or logarithm of the Company average needs to be calculated and displayed. When I use the LOG function, it is not using Base 10 and it does not calculate correctly. Is there a different LOG function or does someone know the mathematical translation that I can code for the LOG function:__ Determine X where 10 to exponent of X = Company Result__ (where Company Result is the calculated average field) __Thanks for your help.__IT Services____IT Services

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=> RE: Logarithm Base 10

Post by John_Lewis_(Guest) » Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:23 pm

Hi:____This is not too difficult I can demonstrate it with an example.____Suppose your average is 100____R&R Log(100) gives 4.605170 (log base e or natural log)____You want log base 10 of 100 and we can get this by using the formula____4.605170/ R&R Log(10) ____4.605170/ 2.302581 = 2.0 (which is log10 of 100)____In general Ln(X)/Ln(10) = Log base 10 of X____Hope this helps____Regards____John Lewis

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==> RE: Logarithm Base 10

Post by Diane_(Guest) » Wed Jan 14, 2004 11:22 am

Thank you very much!! That^s what I needed to know!

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