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6 Unrelated Tables DashBoard

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:16 am
by rickmds
Hi__I am using Version 11 and have 6 unrelated DBF tables (DASH1.dbf - DASH6.dbf) with summary data that I want to create 6 separate graphs on a single page R&R report. Each of the 6 tables has 2 fields; Discription (character) & Count(numeric). The number of records in each of the 6 tables ranges from 3 - 18. ____To relate these tables I created a master single field table ScrDash.dbf [Field (numeric) = Record] and added 20 records with numeric values of 1 - 20. Using the relations options I then linked DASH1 - DASH6 to the master table SCRDASH using the record# option. ____Because the number of records in each of the 6 tables are not equal I created 6 new numeric fields DashXCount = iif(dashX->count > 0,dashX->count,0) (Note X = 1 - 6). DashXCount was then used for each of the graphs as the numeric fields.____Problem: Eash of the graphs print... but there are blank lines in the graph depending on the number of records in the related DASH1 - DASH6 tables. For example, DASH1 has 3 records in it, since the master table has 20 records there are 17 blank spaces. The combine DUPS option produced erronous results because it is tied to the numeric field and these values are not unique.____Question:__1. Is ther another way to accomplish what I am trying to achieve here??____Note that I can email a single page PDF file with the output of the results if this will help you to better understand the above narative. ____Any suggestions would be appreciated.__Thanks in advance.__Rick

=> RE: 6 Unrelated Tables DashBoard

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:45 am
by kfleming
What if you use a single record master table, create a calculated field that has a constant value like "A" and then use a Flexlink index (also using the same constant as the calc) to build 6 scan relations to the related tables with a skip failure action.__Then you will have only as many composite records as you have matches in the related table and each graph will only display data points for the records in the related table.____I think this might work but I have not tried it so it may have a tragic flaw...____Kathleen__R&R Support__

==> RE: 6 Unrelated Tables DashBoard

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:41 am
by rickmds
Kathleen__I sent you copies of the reports and associated DBFs for hoping you might be able to take a look. ____Both approaches show zeros in the graph when the number of records in the linked table exceed those in the master table; this needs to be eliminated and perhaps it is limited to the formula DashXCount = IIF(dashX->COUNT>0,dashX->COUNT,0) ; it seems to be the only way to get the graphs to display with the data. __Thanks__Rick __

===> RE: 6 Unrelated Tables DashBoard

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:23 am
by kfleming
Can you re-send the file to me? My mail just crashed and I lost everything that was in my in box.____Thanks.____Kathleen__R&R Support__livesupport@livewarepub.com__

====> RE: 6 Unrelated Tables DashBoard

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:42 pm
by Rick_(Guest)
Yes it is on the way.