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Multi-Scan problems

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 2:33 pm
by Owen_Graupman_(Guest)
I have a problem with a multi-scan report I^m trying to create (Version 9.00.009 of R&R SQL Edition). When I enter the following SQL statement into R&R:____SELECT W.WorkOrderNumber, W.EstimateDate, W.ProfileDescriptionL1, W.ProfileDescriptionP2, W.ServiceItemDescriptionL1, W.Category, W.ServiceRep, W.GrandTotal, 1 AS ORDGRP FROM WorkOrder W ____UNION ____SELECT T.GLCode, G.GLDescription, T.GLActQty, T.GLActAmt, T.GLTaxRate, T.Tax1ActAmt, "", "", 2 FROM Totals T, GenLedger G WHERE G.GLCode = T.GLCode____I get the following error message:____DB access: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.____If I paste the SQL code into a Microsoft Access SQL query, or into a Visual Basic ADO recordset, it returns results correctly. Any ideas as to what the problem is in R&R?____-Owen Graupman

=> RE: Multi-Scan problems

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 7:00 pm
by kfleming
The way that I would troubleshoot this is to try to UNION using just one field at a time and then adding on each additional field to see which is causing the error.____UNION selects can indeed be done with R&R.______Kathleen__R&R Support