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Mysql Problem

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:35 am
by jos?_david
Hello, I am using R&R Version 11.0.006 with Mysql 4,1 (ODBC) with MyISAM tables, design the report perfectly but when doing preview I do not see data. It watches the example. There is some special configuration for Mysql.__The single table has 11 rows, and the preview sample view infinite pages.____ Thanks____José David Angulo Urzola__ Microexpress Ltda__ Cartagena - Colombia__movil@microexpressltda.com__

=> RE: Mysql Problem

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:29 pm
by Carl
I^m having exactly the same problem. I^m sure the problem is associated with the UserID and the Password. There is no place to enter them and I^m not prompted for them. I^m using R&R RW ver 11.1.009, MySQL ver 5.0.18-nt, ODBC ver 3.51.12. If you have a solution I sure could use it. If I find one I^ll post it here. -Carl____Carl Dippel

==> RE: Mysql Problem

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:33 pm
by MikeN_(Guest)
I have the mysql odbc 3.51.12 driver, and there is very clearly a place to enter a username/password/database in the configuration. User/pass is something established through the odbc driver, not R&R. I don^t use R&R on mysql, but I would definitely re-check the odbc connector.

==> RE: Mysql Problem

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:18 pm
by Carl
I received an email from____José David Angulo Urzola__Microexpress Ltda__Cartagena - Colombia__movil@microexpressltda.com____with the solution. You must check these ODBC Advanced Flags:____Don^t Optimize Column Width__Return Matching Rows__Used Compressed Protocol__Safe__Pad Char To Full Length____Thanks a million José.____-- Carl Dippel --

===> RE: Mysql Problem

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 6:43 am
by Carl
When I thanked José personally he told me that this solution came from R&R Support. I wonder why they would withhold that from this forum. Is it because this forum is a free or maybe a less sinister reason like the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing? -Carl____-- Carl Dippel --