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Not printing to selected Printer

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:12 pm
by Peter_Brooks_(Guest)
The following is some feedback as a result of some testing that we have recently completed.____We are a long time user of R&R and are currently still stuck on R&R 8.1 and are looking at moving across to the latest version 12.5.1____We have tried most of the releases and have always found something that prevented us from moving off from 8.1. We have always had printer related issues and were hoping that the new version addressed these. We develop using Delphi and use the DLL interface to generate reports from and SQL database. In the past, we have had an issue where, when an override printer was selected, the report would not print to the selected printer and appeared to randomly print to some other printer. So, we modified our system to use the text control file printing option via the RSWRun.exe. Our DLL print process was modified to generate the control file via the writeRuntimeRecord which meant that the control file would contain the same info as what we were initialising the DLL with (or so we thought). In testing we found that, in some instances, the RWPTR value was not defined in the control file and have eventually tracked this down to when the printer name exceeds 40 (R&R control file limit). So, now at least we know why this part did not work properly and will have to put a check in our system to restrict the selection of printers > 40 chars. This does cause problems as 40 is quite restrictive so, could this value PLEASE be increased to allow a printer name greater that the current 40 character restriction.____Now if only the printing to selected printer trays would work properly then we would have no hesitation in moving across to the latest version.____Apologies for the length of the above - I have just spent almost all day trying to track the above problem down so just letting off some frustrations.

=> RE: Not printing to selected Printer

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:27 pm
by cstrasser
We^re aware of the problem with the short printer names in the DLL. Unfortunately, it^s not a simple fix. An alternative to using the DLLs is to call the RSWRUN.EXE program directly and pass it parameters through a table in your SQL database. In this case, you can define the RI_WPTR field to be as big as you like. It^s a bit complicated. If you^d like a short tutorial, I can show you some code I recently developed.

==> RE: Not printing to selected Printer

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:24 am
by printingcatalog
one should check for the instructions in Printer^s manual.. that^s easy right?