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Nullable fields

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:51 pm
by johncawley
I^m using R&R Report Writer, Xbase Edition Version 9.0 with the Version 9.0.009 Update. The backend database is Visual FoxPro 6.0____A user has reported the following problem:____When printing customer^s addresses on letters the application seems to be ^remembering the customer^s old address^.____At first I was a bit sceptical about this but I^ve managed to recreate the problem. The database table uses nullable fields (there are date fields that can be empty). When a user changes a customer^s address and deletes some lines of the customer^s address, the FoxPro driver does not actually delete the lines in the database but flags the fields as null. The deleted lines are not visible in my application or msquery or any other application I have tried. However R&R is ignoring the null flag and printing the deleted lines. This may affect other fields that the application uses.____Has anyone any ideas about how to fix this problem?____ __Regards,____John Cawley__Schlumberger

=> RE: Nullable fields

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:58 am
by kfleming
I think that the problem is that R&R has no awareness of the null flag for a field. Unless you can populate a logical field to explicitly flag a record, there is not a way for R&R to recognize these nulls. Perhaps a future release will add this capability if there is sufficient user demand that it be included.____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Nullable fields

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 12:28 pm
by uwutigew
You seem to be saying that R&R doesn^t support Visual FoxPro 6.0 (or at least not fully).____Can you confirm this please.____John Cawley__Schlumberger

===> RE: Nullable fields

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:07 pm
by kfleming
We do not support nullable fields/keys and binary memo data.__Note that we do use Foxpro within R&R. The result set browser, data dictionary and report librarian are all Foxpro 6 programs.____Kathleen__R&R Support

=> RE: Nullable fields

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:04 pm
by Scott_Pierson_(Guest)
I may have some information pertinent to your situation.____On page 211 of "Using R&R Report Designer ver. 9" the DELETED function returns the deleted status of records marked for deletion.____Also...____I too am using RR v. 9.0 xbase on a foxpro(not sure of the version) database. I have noticed (via my DBF editor) that records marked for deletion don^t show up in any way on my RR generated reports.____Hope this helps.

==> RE: Nullable fields

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:07 pm
by Scott_Pierson_(Guest)
Whoops, sorry, I just noticed you were talking about specific fields being nulled, not entire records. Please disregard.