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PDF Converter error

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:26 am
by Childers_(Guest)
When I run Reports Works Xbase latest version, there^s initially an error that says ____Windows can^t install the Amyuni PDF Converter 157 kernel-mode print driver. To obtain a driver that is compatible with the version of Windows you are running, contact the manufacturer.______Not sure if I^m going to use the PDF driver or not, but how do I eliminate this initial error? It doesn^t stop R&R from working, it^s just another key that has to be pressed.____I^m running Windows Business Vista.____

=> RE: PDF Converter error

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 7:19 am
by Taavi_Remmelg_(Guest)
Hi,__ try adding lines____[Defaults]__PdfDriver=0____to file c:windows rw.ini________>When I run Reports Works Xbase latest version, there^s __>initially an error that says __>Windows can^t install the Amyuni PDF Converter 157 __>kernel-mode print driver. To obtain a driver that is __>compatible with the version of Windows you are running, __>contact the manufacturer. __>__>__>Not sure if I^m going to use the PDF driver or not, but how __>do I eliminate this initial error? It doesn^t stop R&R from __>working, it^s just another key that has to be pressed. __>__>I^m running Windows Business Vista. __

==> RE: PDF Converter error

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 11:16 am
by Childers_(Guest)
>>try adding lines____PdfDriver=0____to file c:windows rw.ini<<____I tried adding that line to the [Defaults], and it worked. Thanks.__________

===> RE: PDF Converter error

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:26 pm
by Cliff_Wiernik
What if you need to use the PDF writer?

====> RE: PDF Converter error

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:57 am
by kfleming
For $9.95 you could purchase Pdf995 ( as an alternative.__It runs under Vista/2003/XP and even Windows 95/98/2000/ME.________Kathleen__R&R Support

=====> RE: PDF Converter error

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:09 pm
by Loans For Bad Credit
>For $9.95 you could purchase Pdf995 ( __>as an alternative. __>It runs under Vista/2003/XP and even Windows 95/98/2000/ME. __>__>__>__>Kathleen __>R&R Support ____We^ve built applications that depend on being able to programmatically control the destination of the resultant PDF.____The Amyuni PDF converter included with R&R lets you do this...____I looked at and it doesn^t list that as one of the features. Do you know if it can?____Also, Amyuni has updated it^s PDF converter to support Vista. Are there plans to include the updated version of the Amyuni PDF converter that has support for Vista in future releases of R&R?

======> RE: PDF Converter error

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:25 am
by kfleming
Unfortunately Amyuni will not license their current release for distribution with ReportWorks. You can purchase their latest release directly from them if you wish.____Kathleen__R&R Support

=======> RE: PDF Converter error

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:21 pm
by Cliff_Wiernik
Does the PDF995 driver work under program control of RR ReportWorks to specify the PDF destination file name?____If you purchase the AmyUni current version yourself, does it properly work under the control of RR Reportworks?____Cliff.

========> RE: PDF Converter error

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:32 pm
by Dutch
I^ve used Amyuni (purchase copy). It works with vista & R&R V.10 xbase.____Regards,__Dutch

====> RE: PDF Converter error

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:19 am
by BryanMoipt
I am on Vista Business 34 bit and I did purchase the PDF coverter, but now how do I make the RR program recognize it?