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Page Total Fields incorrect

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:57 pm
by vastgjc
I created a Page Total field for the first time and found that the total was inaccurate. The total amount includes the amount for the very first footer on the subsequent page. Every page total on the report is like this. I^m trying to show the page total for the quarterly payroll per employee for a State unemployment tax report. Each employee^s payroll is shown as a footer (no record lines at all) with a page total at the bottom of each page.____Page 1__employee footer 500.00__employee footer 600.00__Page 1 total = 1400.00____Page 2 __employee footer 300.00 included in page 1 total!__employee footer 600.00__Page 2 total = 1500.00____Page 3__employee footer 600.00 included in page 2 total!__and so on......

=> RE: Page Total Fields incorrect

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:52 am
by kfleming
The problem occurs because you only have group footers on the layout.__So when R&R gets to the page footer it has read all of the records for the next group and thus includes it in the page total even though there is not enough room to print it on that page.____The workaround is to use a conditional record band line in place of the group footer so that the record line only prints for the last record of the group. So you need a pre-processed total that counts the members of the group along with a running total for the same. The line condition for the record band is that the pre-processed total is equal to the running total.____Once you have done this, your page totals will be correct.____Kathleen__R&R Support