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Accessing A Single-record Table

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:24 am
by Al_Wimberly_(Guest)
Is there a method to open a table (other than the master table) without having it relate to another table? I use a single record control file containing my client^s info (name, address, etc.) which is displayed in headers & footers. I need to open this file and move the pointer to record 1.____I have been relating that table to the master table via a calculated field with a value of 1 and setting the relationship to the record number link. This works fine unless the query finds no records in the master table, in which case the table^s data is never available.____Got a suggestion and/or workaround?____Thanks______

=> RE: Accessing A Single-record Table

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:07 am
by kfleming
One way around it would be to make the single record file the master file. Then set the relation to the current master using a flexlink index and a constant as the key so that the single record master would match all of the records in the related table.____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Accessing A Single-record Table

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 5:26 pm
by Lynn_Coggshall_(Guest)
Hi Kathleen,__Could you elaborate on your comments as to how to create a single record master file and link it to all other files? I, too, have a parameter file that I do lookups on before printing the report. I can^t see how to link this file. I don^t understand what a ^flexlink^ index is. Does it have anything to do with the sql version or is it strictly xbase.__I^m having trouble wrapping my mind around how to re-write my reports so I am able to gather outside variables and use them in my reports.__Any comments would be greatly appreciated by anyone.__Thanks,__Lynn __

=> RE: Accessing A Single-record Table

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:44 am
by Nick_I_(Guest)
Here is something that I^ve done that may work for you. My need for this capability goes back further than flexlink.____1. Add a single character field called one to your single record file. Enter its value as 1. __2. Add a tag for this field so you can relate through it (assuming you are using an xbase product)__2. Create a calculated field in each of your reports called One____(or I guess you can create a UDF but they have been problematic to support in a shrinkwrap application when I change versions of R&R, , so I dont use them).____3. Make the value of this calculated field 1 in each report 1__4. Add a relation from your calculated field to the One field that reads the first record (and only record)____The result should be what you are looking for.

==> RE: Accessing A Single-record Table

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:38 pm
by Lynn_Coggshall_(Guest)
Hi Nick,____I have been using the method you described for 13 years. Since I have moved to SQL, this method does not work. I am going to have to re-think and re-write ALL of my reports. As others are certainly aware, this is a HUGH effort. I thought, as in the past, my reports would port over from xbase (with some tweaking of course). Unfortunately, I just cannot get them to convert. The following are the two major problems I am having:____1. The first is the above problem. I just am having a block on how to relate my parameter table to my other tables.____2. When I try to convert my reports, R&R does not recognize my ODBC connections. On some of the reports, I am asked if I would like to re-select my tables, but eventually, they just do not convert.____If anyone can help, please help me. This is such an urgent issue and I can^t seem to figure it out.____Thank you * and hope to hear from someone...__Lynn__

===> RE: Accessing A Single-record Table

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:44 am
by kfleming
Are you using the convert Xbase to SQL wizard or the simpler radio button selection RRNCVRT.EXE utility?____Generally the latter works better but you may also need to do some to a lot of additional work once the report is opened under SQL.____If you want to send one of your Xbase reports to me along with the name and driver for your OCDBC data source, I will have a look.____Kathleen__R&R