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Paths of files in specification

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 10:42 am
by Cliff_Wiernik
I know that if you access a rrw specification file in a folder where the data is not located and then save the specification, it effectively hard codes in the paths of the files. If you edit the report specification when the rrw is located in the same folder as the files, the file names are processed without the hard coding of the paths.____Thus if the specification is moved to a new folder with the needed databases also in that folder, it will properly use the files in the new folder not the old folder.____However, if someone does edit the files in a folder other than the file where the data is located and the path names get fixed, is there anyway to correct this. In the past I could usually redit the file from a folder with the data and reenter in the master/relation files and it would fix it. I encountered a specification where this would not work and had to go to an older rrw specification file version where the paths were not hard coded in and could add any other changes.____Is there someway to force the paths to be removed.____Cliff

=> RE: Paths of files in specification

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:49 am
by Tom_(Guest)
This is assuming you have an xbase R&R____In the rrwrunin.dbf file is a field called RI_MASTER. Just put the full path in this field prior to running the report. Then use the rrwrunin.dbf file to run the report. Let^s say your report is the 3rd on in the rrwrunin.dbf. Your command would be run(.t.,"rrwrun.exe rrwrunin.dbf 3)____The .t., means that your machine is Windows, the rrwrun.exe tells it to run the rrwrun.exe when doing the report, the rrwrunin.dbf is the master file of instructions for the report and the 3 is which report in the master file to use.