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Performance - RSWRUN vs RSW

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 10:23 am
by SimonBray
I am finding that report stake far longer to execute when using RSWRUN.EXE than when executed from RSW.EXE or from Rapid Runner - I am talking 100 times slower - 2 seconds vs 2 -3 minutes.____Is this something you are aware of ?____Regards,__Simon Bray.

=> RE: Performance - RSWRUN vs RSW

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 11:13 am
by kfleming
Are you running RSWRUN.EXE on the same machine and in the same directory as RSW.EXE and are you passing any changes to the saved report when it is run from runtime?____Kathleen__R&R Support

==> RE: Performance - RSWRUN vs RSW

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 11:18 am
by SimonBray
No - RSWRUN.EXE is provided as a runtime only to my users - they ahve no access to RSW.EXE. If by chnages you mena queries then yes there are runtime queries.____Does this help ?____Simon Bray.

===> RE: Performance - RSWRUN vs RSW

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 12:58 pm
by SimonBray
Kathleen,____I believe I have found the problem but can^t say that I understand it ?____In my report I have a query which is :-____Where po_num is like PO_Query____po_num is calculated field left(pr_orderno,7) where pr_orderno is in my master table and can be 7 or 9 characters but related records always have the same first 7 characters.____PO_Query is the UPPER(RIPARAM(^QUERY1^))____If I amend the query to be where po_num is like ^xxxxxxxx^ where xxxxxxx is a valid order number the results appears almost instantly.____If I run the rport and pass the same xxxxxxxx through the runtime query it takes about 2 minutes. It also takes 2 minutes if I amend PO_Query to be iif(RRUNIN(), UPPER(RIPARAM(^QUERY1^)),^XXXXXXX^) but if I change po_query to be equal to ^XXXXXXXX^ it is instant once more. ____The use of the RIPARAM seems to make the reports scan all the records in the table.____Does this help ?????______Regards,__Simon Bray.

====> RE: Performance - RSWRUN vs RSW

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 1:52 pm
by kfleming
What version of R&R is this?__It looks like the parameteRR field is not being sent to the SQL engine for evaluation.__I just tried this in the 10+ release and got things to work.__What I did was create a parameteRR field called NAMETEST and set the validation of the parameteRR to be NAMETEST=UPPER(NAMETEST) so that the user must enter only upper case. I then have a calc field called UPNAME using UPPER(LNAME,7). In my filter I have include all records where UPNAME is like NAMETEST. This does get sent to the SQL engine (You can use Database Show SQL to verify that this piece gets added to the SELECT)____Kathleen__R&R Support

=====> RE: Performance - RSWRUN vs RSW

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 7:16 am
by Simon_Bray_(Guest)
It seeems I have much to learn about R&R SQL !! I have been blindly carrying on using RIPARAM function. I have re-tested this report using ParameteRR calculation and I must be doing something wrong. When I run the report in RSW.EXE designer it runs fine. But if I run it from Rapid Runner or RSWRUN.EXE I get a SQL error "Invalid Column Name ^P360025^ - Statements could not be prepared". P360025 is the value of the parameter calculation which is compared to a field in the master table via a query. ____Regards,__Simon Bray

======> RE: Performance - RSWRUN vs RSW

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 9:06 am
by kfleming
Is this again the same machine and directory as the Report Designer?____Kathleen__R&R Support

=======> RE: Performance - RSWRUN vs RSW

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 5:17 am
by Simon_Bray_(Guest)
The Rapid Runner is defiinitely in the same directory as the designer and yes it is the same PC.____The RSWRUN.EXE is a copy in a different directory.____Simon.

========> RE: Performance - RSWRUN vs RSW

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 8:56 am
by kfleming
I just had another user report the same invalid column name problem using a parameteRR based filter at runtime. I have his report in hand but I cannot reproduce the error here. For me it works correctly each time so I am totally puzzled as to why this might occur.__Are you using SQL Server? If so, what version? Are you reporting on a table or a view?____Kathleen__R&R Support