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Amyuni PDF popup message in Vista

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:20 pm
by Surya_Tikkani_(Guest)
Hi, we are using version 12 on Vista machine and also upgraded latest Version 12.5.001 from the web. The issue is, there is a popup message we are always seeing whenever we just open rsw.exe, rswrun.exe or rsw32.ocx with VB6. I have downloaded latest trail version of Amyuni driver software in order to solve this problem and to test the PDF conversion, but I still see the message.____Message: "Windows can_t install the Amyuni PDF Converter 157 kernel-mode print driver. To obtain a driver that is compatible with the version of window you are running, contact the manufacturer."______Also I want to know, how to call following control file using rsw32.ocx in VB6 to generate pdf file. Which property I can use to assign the control file?______Creating PDF Output:__Example runtime text input file:____RI_REPORT=D:DATAStatus Report.RRW__RI_PRINTER=__RI_WPTR=R&R PDF Export__RI_OUTFILE=D:DATAStat0902.PDF____When runtime is executed using this input file, the output of Status Report.RRW__will be sent to the PDF file Stat0902.PDF.____Note that runtime users must have the appropriate PDF driver files available and__that they must have the system rights to allow them to install a printer. If not,__the error message "Cannot match printer or port in control file" will be returned__and the PDF file will not be created.____Thanks __Surya Tikkani__Cartus

=> RE: Amyuni PDF message in Vista

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:34 pm
by Surya_Tikkani_(Guest)
Hi, I can able to suppress this message by updating the RSW and RRW ini files as follows. I hope the software looking for the following entry in the ini files either ON or OFF. ____[Defaults]__PDFDriver=ON____

=> Amyuni PDF popup message in Vista

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:39 pm
by kfleming
Here is the email reply that Chris of our staff sent to you.____Hello Surya,__When we had a specially licensed edition of the Amyuni driver, R&R had a lot more flexibility in how it interacted with it. Since we were forced to remove it from the product, people have had to make due with alternatives. It is not possible to recreate the level of integration we had with the special edition of the driver. The best we can do is to define alternatives for people.__ __Since you have access to VB, you can simulate the functionality in code. I created a simple form with the OCX in VB6 to identify what you need to do:____ __In the "Click" method of the button above, I put the following code:__ __Private Sub Command1_Click()__ lcStatusFileName = Str(Year(Now())) & Str(Month(Now())) & Str(Day(Now())) & "RANDOM" & ".TXT"__ Form1.RRReport1.ReportName = "F:DeptProgServiceTOURCTRLGuideActivity.RRW"__ Form1.RRReport1.Printer = "CutePDF Writer"__ Form1.RRReport1.PrintFileName = "F:DeptProgServiceTOURCTRLOutput.PS"__ Form1.RRReport1.StatusFileName = "F:DeptProgServiceTOURCTRL" & lcStatusFileName__ Form1.RRReport1.RunReport (1)__End Sub____There are a couple of points that I have to make here:__1. I am using a free PDF generator, called CutePDF. When it runs normally (as the default or selected printer), it interactively requests a filename for the PDF to be created.__2. When we had the R&R PDF driver integrated with the product, the filename passed through to the driver became the actual PDF output file of the report.__3. What gets generated using CutePDF (or any PostScript printer driver) under normal circumstances is a file in PostScript format (here called Output.PS), which is just a text file with the definition data to create a PDF.__4. This file can become the source for a distiller to generate an actual PDF from it. I^ve been working with the companion product to CutePDF called "GhostScript" to identify how a PDF can be generated from a PS file. The basic structure is:__ __gswin32c -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -r300 -sOutputFile=o:folder arget.pdf __ __You need to call the gswin32c from VB using the Shell() function to run an external program. I think the syntax would be:__ __nRetCode = Shell("gswin32c -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -r300 -sOutputFile=o:folder arget.pdf")__ __More information on the Shell() syntax is at: __Note that with a little tweaking, the output specified by -sDEVICE can be many things, including JPG. When you install CutePDF, you get gswin32c as part of it. There are other parameters to control the generation, but this is the basic process.__ __If you have any more questions, please let me know.__ __ __Regards,__Chris__ ______Kathleen__R&R Support